Yoshinaga teaches the students how to sow seeds. Shin-chan gets the water pipe and waters the seeds that are sown.
Misae sends Shin-chan with a list of grocery items but loses it. He returns home with vegetables of his choice and gets scolding from his mother.
Shin-chan observes his dad shaving and shaves off his one eyebrow. He goes out to escape from his mother's scolding.
La clase de los Girasoles planta semillas de flores. Shin chan riega las semillas pero termina inundando el lecho de flores. Shin chan va de compras a la verdulería. Pierde la lista de la compra y fastidia a todos cuando se quita la ropa. Shin chan juega con la afeitadora de Hiroshi. Se afeita las cejas y le presume a Kazama.