Oil painting does not require huge amounts of expensive equipment: "All I have is 6 tubes of paint, a palette knife, 5 brushes, some turps for thinning the paint and some gel for drying the paint." Location: Newton Ferrers.
Alwyn shows how to use just six colours to make a vast range of colours and tones - there's no need to have lots of tubes of paint when it's easier to make your own colours. Location:Woodbury Common.
Alwyn describes the different types of brush and demonstrates what each brush can be used for as he paints this busy harbour scene. Location: Lympstone Jetty.
Different painting surfaces give different results, and Alwyn uses various types of finish to demonstrate this point. Location: Exmouth.
A blank canvas can be a frightening prospect but there are different ways to start a picture. Alwyn demonstrates different drawing techniques with charcoal, pencil and paint Location:Vixen Tor.
Sometimes time is short and Alwyn demonstrates how to paint a quick oil sketch at The Shire Horse Centre. Location:Yealmpton, Devon
Alwyn advises how to get the best out of a photograph when creating a painting outside is not practical. Location: Alwyn's studio.
Alwyn demonstrates all of the techniques used throughout the series. He also shows how to draw people and trees. Location: Ottery St Mary.