Mike drops heavy hints within Ken’s hearing that Samir is returning to Morocco. He goes round to see him and is stunned to hear that Deirdre is leaving too. Cliff has a narrow escape when a lump of stone cladding falls on him. Jack uses the incident to point out that Cliff could die at any minute. Cliff agrees to sign a new will. Martin apologises to Cathy Power for their one-night stand. She tells him there’s no harm done and to forget it. Curly buys Raquel an Edwardian engagement ring. Deirdre rings Blanche about the move. She fears that she'll never see her again. Jack is thankful when Cliff signs his will. He gets Kevin and Raquel to witness it. Ken breaks the news to Tracy who gets upset and accuses Deirdre of not caring about her. Ken is amazed when Deirdre tells him that Mike is taking over the house. Tracy attacks Samir, accusing him of ruining her life. Deirdre is amazed when Tracy breaks down and begs her to stay; she needs her. Martin takes Gail out to a restaurant where he tells her that he didn't need to work Christmas Day but did so to get away from her. She is understanding. Deirdre tells Tracy that she will always love her but she's changed since she's met Samir. Tracy wishes her well and they are reconciled.