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Season 2016

  • S2016E01 Feminism Did Not Destroy Atheism

    • April 23, 2016
    • YouTube

    A love/hate letter to the YouTube atheist community.

  • S2016E02 Criticism or Bullying?

    • May 3, 2016
    • YouTube

    Play nice with others or go kill yourself in a fire.

  • S2016E03 What Makes a Trans Chick "Cool"?

    • May 20, 2016
    • YouTube

    Bearing has the answer—just be more like Blaire White!

  • S2016E04 Western Rape Cultures

    • June 13, 2016
    • YouTube

    I spent too long working on this and missed the moment when people cared about Brock Turner. Everyone has moved on to a mass murder, and the rapist is forgotten, along with that gorilla, and that lion, and that oil spill. Whatever happened with that oil spill? They were going to plug it with trash. Is the gulf okay now, or? Anyway, hopefully some of you still care about Brock and rape culture. If you've forgotten you can always Google it.

  • S2016E05 Everyone's a Little Bit Racist Sometimes (Response to ArmouredSkeptic)

    • June 28, 2016
    • YouTube

    Following Armoured Skeptic down "the deepest rabbit hole of bigotry" he's ever experienced.

  • S2016E06 Is Trump Racist?

    • July 15, 2016
    • YouTube

    A lot of people are saying that Trump is racist. Others say that's just liberal media bias. But is it? Let's find out!

  • S2016E07 For Whom the Belle Trolls

    • July 31, 2016
    • YouTube

    Milo Yiannopoulos is an abrasive troll with nothing serious to say. Why do people like him anyway? Let's drink a 40 of King Cobra malt liquor and discuss it.

  • S2016E08 How I Became a Feminist SJW

    • August 13, 2016
    • YouTube

    What if brainwashing is just a word for education you disagree with?

  • S2016E09 Why I Quit Academia

    • August 31, 2016
    • YouTube

    Obviously I'm in the midst of an anti-academic tantrum of some kind, so consider that when deciding how seriously to take this. On the other hand, my tantrum is based on years of experience.

  • S2016E10 Pop Feminism

    • September 17, 2016
    • YouTube

    Problematically problematizing problematic feminism. Also, some yoga and Bob Dylan impersonating.

  • S2016E11 Non-Binary Genders

    • September 30, 2016
    • YouTube

    A defense. Also: freedom, identifying, cannibalism, psychiatry, Night Mother Anita Sarkeesian, pronouns, Wittgenstein, the nature of language, gender roles, and the apocalypse.

  • S2016E12 Alpha Males

    • October 9, 2016
    • YouTube

    Can men really be divided into alphas and betas? How does one become alpha? Why do so many guys calling themselves alpha also turn out to be crazy racists?

  • S2016E13 Pick-Up Artists

    • October 26, 2016
    • YouTube

    A critical look, in which I finally get my hetero on.

  • S2016E14 Cultural Appropriation

    • November 5, 2016
    • YouTube

    My take on this classic 2016 Culture War topic. It's dumb to talk about it, because someone will get offended no matter what, but I'm talking about it anyway because I'm dumb.

  • S2016E15 President Trump

    • November 17, 2016
    • YouTube

    How did this happen? How bad is it? What do now?

  • S2016E16 Fat Acceptance

    • November 30, 2016
    • YouTube
  • S2016E17 Baltimore: Anatomy of an Uprising

    • December 17, 2016
    • YouTube

    The story of the Baltimore uprising is not mine to tell. This is a video about how to witness and respond intelligently to events like this.

  • S2016E18 Psychiatry

    • December 31, 2016
    • YouTube

    This is not an anti-psychiatry video. However, I think my experiences suggest that there are reasons to be cautious about, for instance, over-diagnosis, and profit-oriented clinical research.

Season 2017

  • S2017E01 Punching Natsees

    • January 29, 2017
    • YouTube

    A dialogue between a punk radical and a bourgeois liberal on the ethics of punching Natsees.

  • S2017E02 Is Casual Sex Bad for Your Soul?

    • February 18, 2017
    • YouTube

    Taking a break from arguing with Natsees to pick a fight with, well, God, I suppose.

  • S2017E03 What the Alt-Right Fears

    • February 28, 2017
    • YouTube

    Maximum cuckoldry.

  • S2017E04 Is BDSM Feminist?

    • March 21, 2017
    • YouTube

    A debate. (TW: sex and violence, KINK-SHAMING.)

  • S2017E05 I Am Genderqueer (And What the #@%! That Means)

    • March 31, 2017
    • YouTube
  • S2017E06 What is Gender?

    • April 18, 2017
    • YouTube

    A scientific and aesthetic examination.

  • S2017E07 What is Race?

    • April 30, 2017
    • YouTube

    Social construct or biological reality? A very objective, scientific, rational inquiry.

  • S2017E08 Debating the Alt-Right

    • May 18, 2017
    • YouTube

    An open and honest discussion.

  • S2017E09 Does the Left Hate Free Speech? (Part 1)

    • May 31, 2017
    • YouTube

    Examining right-wing ("liberal") talking point number 1.

  • S2017E10 Does the Left Hate Free Speech? (Part 2)

    • June 20, 2017
    • YouTube
  • S2017E11 Gender Dysphoria

    • July 21, 2017
    • YouTube

    I made this video about my gender dysphoria for artistic and educational purposes. CW: self harm and gender dysphoria, obviously.

  • S2017E12 TERFs

    • August 18, 2017
    • YouTube

    This is a fictional dialogue I made about TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical feminists) for philosophical and artistic purposes. See pinned comment for more info. CW: fictionalized transphobia and brief mentions of sexual assault.

  • S2017E13 Decrypting the Alt-Right: How to Recognize a F@scist

    • September 1, 2017
    • YouTube

    This is a critical and educational video about the deceptive strategies used by the Alt-Right to appeal to centrists. All clips of Alt-Right media are used under fair use for purposes of education, critique, and peaceful resistance.

  • S2017E14 The Left

    • September 24, 2017
    • YouTube
  • S2017E15 Degeneracy

    • October 19, 2017
    • YouTube

    This is a historical-philosophical-pastoral-comical video I made about the history of the word "degeneracy" and the right of degenerates to exist.

  • S2017E16 Violence

    • November 24, 2017
    • YouTube

    A fictional dialogue between some voices in my head on the philosophy of violence. No dolls or mannequins were harmed in the making of this film.

  • S2017E17 Why the Alt-Right Is Wrong

    • December 14, 2017
    • YouTube
  • S2017E18 What's Wrong with Capitalism (Part 1)

    • December 30, 2017
    • YouTube

    A YouTube manifesto.

Season 2018

Season 2019

  • S2019E01 "Are Traps Gay?"

    • January 16, 2019
    • YouTube

    A psychosexual journey to the heart of a bad meme.

  • S2019E02 The Darkness

    • March 2, 2019
    • YouTube

    Some like it dark.

  • S2019E03 Gender Critical

    • March 30, 2019
    • YouTube

    Let's go adult human females.

  • S2019E04 Beauty

    • May 22, 2019
    • YouTube

    Storytime: my facial plastic surgery journey

  • S2019E05 "Transtrenders"

    • July 1, 2019
    • YouTube
  • S2019E06 Men

    • August 23, 2019
    • YouTube

    Taking the red pill, but make it fashion.

  • S2019E07 Opulence

    • October 12, 2019
    • YouTube

    The aesthetic of owning everything.

Season 2020

Season 2021

Season 2022

Season 2023

Season 2024

  • S2024E01 Twilight

    • March 1, 2024
    • YouTube

    Join me on the path to Twilightenment.