At the discretion of colleague Karsten Green, the comedians are introduced to the world of fashion. In the course of a day, they have to design Haute Couture creations, style and dress their models including doing make-up, and make it all come together for a photo session, done by an established fashion photographer. Afterwards they have only 24 hours to turn their experiences into fresh new topical stand-up material, that they will perform in front of a live audience including their tough tutors.
Efter kollega Karsten Greens skøn introduceres komikerne til modens verden. I løbet af en dag skal de designe Haute Couture-kreationer, style og klæde deres modeller på, herunder lave make-up, og få det hele til at samles til en fotosession, udført af en etableret modefotograf. Bagefter har de kun 24 timer til at omsætte deres oplevelser til friskt nyt aktuelt stand-up materiale, som de vil optræde foran et live publikum inklusive deres skrappe undervisere.