Changing one's face is full of uncertainties. It is difficult to determine whether such a technique is good or bad and whether it will bring good fortune or ill-will to those that use it.
The Kingdom of Chu has always been under the rule of those bearing the last name Chu, but the imperial family falls to ruin as Feng Ru Ge takes control. In the last fifteen years, the Crown Prince has been biding his time to take back what was lost. Feng Ru Ge's goddaughter Jing Shu has mastered the skill of painting skin from a very young age. She used a face in exchange for a life from the hands of Zhao Ru Shi. Who would have thought that the person Jing Shu has gained is Lue Ying, a formidable death soldier that is known throughout Jianghu. His only reason for living is to kill the Crown Prince who is to be Jing Shu's future husband, thus beginning a heart-wrenching story of love and hate.
- Beautiful Bones
- Colorful Bone
天楚国本该姓楚,一场宫闱巨变致使帝后遇难,国家陷入风雨飘摇,国师风如歌当机立断独掌朝纲,十五年来,日渐成年的太子有心夺回失去的一切,奈何天楚已是风党天下。然而,国师爱女静姝贸然为宰相之女画皮换脸,得到了一个死忠之士“掠影”的同时,也引发了一系列诡异之事。与此同时,一直对天楚虎视眈眈的白狄国首开战端,生灵涂炭,南郡国送来公主,名为和亲,实为刺杀太子与国师,颠覆天楚社稷;掠影为护卫静姝九死一生,深得静姝之心,奈何静姝自幼便是太子青梅竹马的储妃,而且被太子深深爱着。令静姝想不到的是,掠影的唯一使命就是刺杀太子,而一直宠溺着自己的义父风如歌竟然跟自己有着血海深仇 。
Jing Shu est la filleule du régent de Chu et la fiancée du prince héritier. Elle est aussi la célèbre "Peintre de Visages". Un jour, elle reçoit la visite d'une jeune femme qui lui demande de changer son visage. En échange, elle lui laisse son homme-sacrifice, un esclave qui, à cause d'un sortilège, fait tout ce qu'on lui ordonne. Jing Shu le prend chez elle et lui donne le nom de "Lue Ying".
Mais Lue Ying a beaucoup de mystères autour de lui, d'autant plus qu'il ignore lui-même d'où il vient réellement.