Meeting accidentally, Eun-chan and Han-sung repair their friendship. As Han-sung still can't decide what to say about Yoo-joo leaving for America, Yoo-joo points out that he doesn't even know he has another love interest (Eun-chan). Seeing that all is not well, Ha-rim takes an active interest in Han-kyul's well-being and chides Eun-chan for her apparent lack of concern over the situation. When misspoken words finally reveal to Ha-rim that Eun-chan is a girl and that he's the last of the employees to know, he's angered at their allowing Han-kyul to suffer (for which he is restrained from interfering). Han-kyul finally reaches a breaking point about Eun-chan. Meanwhile, Sun-ki finds and follows young No-eul home to learn where his mom (love-interest Yuko) is living, and Min-yeop gets to play hard-to-get when Eun-sae finally starts returning is calls.
Han Kyul está tan confundido por sus sentimientos hacia Eun Chan que la trata con frialdad. Ella reaccionará de manera violenta, hasta que algo importante pase...
은찬(윤은혜)에 대한 마음을 정리하기로 마음먹은 한결(공유)은 은찬과는 눈도 안 마주치려 한다. 은찬은 한결의 그런 모습을 보자 한숨만 내쉬며 속상해 한다. 한결이 은찬에게 접근 금지에 말까지 시키지 못하게 하자 화가 난 은찬은 커피 배달을 다녀오던 차 안에서 한결의 화를 돋구는 행동만 한다. 한결은 버럭 소리지르며 내리라고 말하고는 은찬의 멱살을 잡아 끌어낸다. 은찬은 시동을 걸고 출발하려던 차 앞을 가로막고 의형제하자고 할 땐 언제고 왜 사람을 가지고 노냐며 울부짖는다.
Han Kyul ist wegen seiner Gefühle für Eun Chan so verwirrt, dass er sich ihr gegenüber kühl verhält. Dies provoziert sie, ihn anzugreifen, bis es zum Eklat kommt.
يرتبك "هان غيول" للغاية بسبب المشاعر التي يكنّها لـ"أون تشان" ما يدفعه للتصرّف ببرودة، وتتسبّب أفعاله في إثارة غضبها حتى يحدث أمر خطير.