Melancholic at learning of his grandmother's terminal condition, Han-kyul uses his hospital visit to also seek psychiatric advice about his unnatural attraction to the "boy" Eun-chan and starts medication therapy. Eun-chan finds Han-kyul's closeness with Yoo-joo disturbing, not just for personal reasons but as it seems an affront to Yoo-joo's relationship with Han-sung. Han-sung, however, will commit an impromptu act that puts all his relationships at risk. While Min-yeop plots a way to get Eun-sae's cold regard turned in his favor, he shares Eun-chan's secret with Sun-ki. After having a disagreeable chat with his father, Han-kyul finally decides upon the relationship he must have with Eun-chan.
Cuando internan a la directora Hong, las visitas de sus fieles nietos producen enredos entre Eun Chan y Yoo Joo.
할머니(김영옥)를 보니 한결(공유)은 맘이 아프지만 평상시처럼 가볍게 대한다. 은찬(윤은혜)은 꾸벅 인사를 한 뒤 할머니에게 힘내라며 우렁차게 말한다. 할머니는 자신이 귀까지 먹은 줄 아냐며 사방 분간 못하는 놈은 당장 갈아치워 버리라고 한다. 한편 한성(이선균) 역시 유주(채정안)을 데리고 할머니 병문안을 온다. 병실 문을 들어서는데 할머니, 한결, 은찬 셋이서 고스톱을 치고 있다. 한성은 은찬을 보고 반가워하지만 한결과 같이 있는 걸 보니 왠지 서운함을 느낀다.
Als seine Großmutter im Krankenhaus liegt, führen die Besuche ihres treusorgenden Enkels zu unerwarteten Verwicklungen mit Eun Chan und Yoo Joo.
عندما يتمّ إدخال الرئيسة "هونغ" إلى المستشفى، تتسبّب زيارات أحفادها المخلصين لها في تعقيدات ليست في الحسبان مع "أون تشان" و"يو جو".