Laura and Jeremy finally finish their virus. Laura is keen to implement it immediately and destroy both the Cortex and XANA, but Jeremy insists they wait until Aelita has made more progress with her mother, Anthea. Meanwhile William has another argument with Ulrich. Laura takes the opportunity to try and recruit William for her cause, and after some persuading he hesitantly agrees.
She sends him into the Cortex, but when he arrives, he is greeted by a massive army of Krabes and no Megapod. Not soon after, the Scyphozoa makes its reappearance, ready to possess William as XANA's servant once again. It captures William and it's up to Yumi, Aelita, and Ulrich to set him free again. A furious Jeremy then kicked Laura out of the group and launched a return to the past to have her memory fully erased for defying him and the rest by acting on her own.
Lora ne shvata zašto DŽeremi ne želi da svojim virusom zarazi superkompjuter Korteksa da bi uništio Ksenu i uklonio je kao pretnju jednom za svagda. Ona uverava Vilijama da joj pomogne da deluje u tajnosti, nakon što ga je uverila govoreći mu da je bolja od drugih i da će zaustaviti globalnu katastrofu. Ali jednom u Korteksu, desi se nezamislivo: Vilijam ponovo pada pod Kseninu kontrolu!
تنتهي لورا وجيريمي أخيرًا من الفيروس. تحرص لورا على تنفيذه على الفور وتدمير كل من القشرة واكزانا، لكن جيريمي يصر على الانتظار حتى تحقق اليتا مزيدًا من التقدم مع والدتها انثيا. في هذه الأثناء، كان لدى ويليام حجة أخرى مع أولريش. تنتهز لورا الفرصة لمحاولة تجنيد ويليام لقضيتها، وبعد بعض الإقناع يوافق بتردد.