It's Friday the 13th and Odd can't believe his luck - he's won the lottery! He tries to impress Samantha with this fact, but he doesn't manage to catch up to her in time. Jeremy discovers that the lottery wins are happening all over Europe, and realises that it must be XANA. The group minus Odd head to Lyoko to deactivate the tower in Sector Five, which they do successfully. They return home and Odd comes to the lab feeling gloomy about not actually winning the lottery and his situation with Samantha, having bought a thousand red roses to give to her thinking he truly had won the jackpot.
Jeremy then notices that XANA had used the tower as a diversion to attack the Skid with a virus while they weren't looking. Odd is the only one who can go in and must pilot the bugged-up Skid and try to counter the virus with little experience doing either. Laura is called in to help, but they don't make much progress. Jeremy then decides to send Laura into the Skid to help on site, and she becomes extremely excited about the idea. Aelita, however, quickly guides Odd through the steps and together they counter the virus just before Laura is about to be transferred. The Skid is returned to normal and Laura leaves, furious about not having to go to Lyoko after all.
The gang make it up to Odd for his amazing solo work by setting him up with Samantha with the thousand roses he purchased. She is touched by Odd's gifts, and warmly kisses him on the cheek.
Alors qu'Odd pense être l'unique gagnant de la super cagnotte de la loterie nationale, il doit en réalité partager son gain avec plusieurs millions de vainqueurs. Pour Jeremy ce bugg informatique est signé XANA. Mais cette attaque n'est qu'une diversion qui en cache une bien plus sérieuse : XANA a inoculé un virus au Skid. En ce vendredi 13, tout repose sur Odd. Est ce son jour de chance ?
Dok Od misli da je jedini pobednik džekpota u nacionalnoj lutriji, on u stvarnosti mora da deli svoju pobedu sa milionima drugih pobednika. Za DŽeremija ova kompjuterska greška je znak Ksene. Ali ovaj napad je samo skretanje koje krije mnogo ozbiljniji problem: Ksena je zarazio Skidbladnir virusom. A ovog petka 13. sve je protiv Oda. Da li je to njegov srećan dan?
Odd piensa que es el único ganador del mayor premio de la lotería, pero en realidad tiene que compartir sus ganancias con varios millones de ganadores. Jeremy cree que eso lleva la firma de Xana, pero el ataque es aún mayor: Xana ha infectado el Skid.
إنه يوم الجمعة الثالث عشر ولا يصدق اود حظه - لقد فاز في اليانصيب! يحاول إقناع سامانثا بهذه الحقيقة، لكنه لم يتمكن من اللحاق بها في الوقت المناسب. يكتشف جيريمي أن فوز اليانصيب يحدث في جميع أنحاء أوروبا، ويدرك أنه يجب أن يكون اكزانا. تتوجه المجموعة بدون اود إلى الليوكو لإلغاء تنشيط البرج في القطاع الخامس، وهو ما قاموا به بنجاح.