As anarchy explodes on the streets and the nation is rocked with night upon night of rioting, Fraser and his team reach the endgame in their mission to get the lights switched back on in the Red Zone. Meanwhile, with his personal life imploding, Sutherland is forced to fight for his political life as Archie finally fires his first shots…
Mientras su vida personal se desmorona, Sutherland lucha por salvar su carrera.
Maan tasapaino horjuu, kun kaduilla mellakoidaan. Kriisin tullessa huippuunsa pääministerin ja Annan on taisteltava myös asemastaan.
Enquanto sua vida pessoal implode, Sutherland é forçado a lutar por sua carreira política. Enquanto isso, a anarquia chega às ruas enquanto tumultos agitam a nação.
Alors que sa vie personnelle implose, Sutherland est contraint de se battre pour sa carrière politique. Pendant ce temps, l'anarchie se propage dans les rues et des émeutes secouent la nation.