“Land of the children,” Meiji Japan that began treading in rough water of Western power has been suffering from a world stage, just like the main characters. In 1889, the Constitution of the Empire of Japan was proclaimed and Japan began to establish the foundation of a modern nation. In summer of this year, Shiki goes home in Matsuyama for medical treatment. Saneyuki also comes home from Edashima and they see each other after an interval of three years. They spend time with Ritsu who has been taking care of Shiki. However, Shiki says that he will follow the path of Haiku, deciding to use his real name “Shiki” as the pseudonym. Meanwhile, Saneyuki causes a trouble during his homecoming.
明治22年(1889年)、大日本憲法発布、日本は近代国家の基礎を固め始めた。この年の夏、子規(香川照之)は病気療養のため松山に帰郷。真之(本木雅 弘)も江田島から帰省し、二人は3年ぶりに再会。子規は俳句の道をいくと打ち明ける。
明治24年5月、来日中のロシア皇太子ニコライ2世が暴漢に襲われ、ヨーロッパの大国ロシアとの間に緊張が走る。その頃、海軍兵学校を卒業し海軍にいた真之(本木雅弘)は 後の連合艦隊司令長官となる東郷平八郎(渡哲也)と出会う。