ติดตามเรื่องราวของซุปตาร์ดาวร้ายและหนุ่มนักพัฒนาแอปพลิเคชั่น ที่ฟังดูแล้วไม่น่าจะโคจรมาเจอกัน แต่ดันมีเรื่องให้ต้องมาใกล้ชิดกันแบบสุดๆ ได้ในซีรีส์ เฟื่องนคร
The story of "Fueangnakorn" is about being public figure in the social network era who must endure with all the critics, bullying, and defamations. The story tells how the protagonist gets through all the sheer terror from the netizen with his positive attitude. The author wants to give the positive energy to this negative world full of the means.
La historia de Fueangnakorn sobre ser una figura pública en la era de las redes sociales que debe soportar todas las críticas, el acoso y las difamaciones, y como supera todo con su actitud positiva.
O aplicativo que só permite postagens positivas, Zendaya, ganha uma popularidade repentina quando o vilão mais querido do país Fueangnakorn faz uma conta na rede social. O funcionário Kommatha agora tem que lidar com a popularidade do aplicativo justamente na época de suas férias de volta para a Tailândia. Pra completar: Kommatha tem que lidar com o vilão estrela batendo na sua porta e pedindo por refeições feitas pela mãe de Kommatha.