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Season 2015

  • S2015E01 Everything GREAT About Pixels!

    • December 1, 2015
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    This week Pixels got the winning treatment. Maybe the critics were wrong. Here's everything great about Pixels. This was much easier than next week when I Win a movie from the turn of the millennium that proves why films based on religions based on science fiction novels receive 3% critic ratings on Rotten Tomatoes. But I'm sure there's still plenty of Win!

  • S2015E02 Everything GREAT About Battlefield Earth!

    • December 13, 2015
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  • S2015E03 Everything GREAT About Fantastic Four! (2015)

    • December 19, 2015
    • YouTube

    Fant4stic is like two movies in one! But it's not all terrible, here's everything great about Fantastic Four. Maybe the critics are wrong. Here's everything right with Fantastic Four 2015.

Season 2016

  • S2016E01 Everything GREAT About Tomorrowland!

    • January 2, 2016
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    Another one of 2015's let downs, Tomorrowland gets Winned today. But who knows, maybe the critics are wrong... Everything right with Tomorrowland!

  • S2016E02 Everything GREAT About Inception!

    • January 8, 2016
    • YouTube

    With The Revenant coming out this weekend it only made sense to Win Inception, the last time Leonardo DiCaprio & Tom Hardy shared the screen together. Maybe this is the theory to end all Inception theories? Not everyone loves this movie, so here's why they're wrong. Everything Great About Inception.

  • S2016E03 Everything GREAT About Pan!

    • January 15, 2016
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    This week I take a look at Pan. Hugh Jackman with a wig might scare you but maybe the critics were wrong? Everything Great About Pan! Next week will feature an actor from this weeks film.

  • S2016E04 Everything GREAT About Tron: Legacy!

    • January 22, 2016
    • YouTube

    Tron: Legacy gets way more hate than it deserves. Here's why the critics are wrong. Everything great about Tron Legacy.

  • S2016E05 Everything GREAT About Warm Bodies!

    • February 5, 2016
    • YouTube

    Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is in theaters today, what better way to celebrate than with a zombie love story about cold bodies turning warm. Maybe the critics were wrong. Here's everything great about Warm Bodies. Next week comic book origin Wins.

  • S2016E06 Everything GREAT About After Earth!

    • February 19, 2016
    • YouTube

    I had planned a different futuristic movie with Will Smith for today to honor the director of Gods of Egypt, Alex Proyas. However last weeks take down of my video has left me a little gun-shy to work with anything from that particular studio right now. So here's a different futuristic Will Smith movie that the critics really hated and the audiences didn't have much nice to say about either. Maybe the critics were wrong? Here's everything great about After Earth.

  • S2016E07 Everything GREAT About The Good Dinosaur!

    • February 26, 2016
    • YouTube

    Zootopia is out next week, so here's a different Disney animated film. The Good Dinosaur may not have been the best movie Pixar has come out with, but the critics were still wrong. Here's everything right with The Good Dinosaur. Next week, monster movie wins. But probably not the one you expect.

  • S2016E08 Everything GREAT About Godzilla! (2014)

    • March 4, 2016
    • YouTube

    10 Cloverfield Lane is out next week so I'm coming at you with a better monster movie! Most of the critics were right about this one, but some gave Godzilla a hard time, so this is why they're wrong. Here's everything right with Godzilla.

  • S2016E09 Everything GREAT About Watchmen!

    • March 11, 2016
    • YouTube

    Batman v Superman comes out in 2 weeks, so this is week 1/3 celebration leading up to that. Zack Snyder is with many critics, and maybe his style is an acquired taste, but Watchmen stands on it's own. The Critics. Are. Wrong. Right? Here's everything right with Watchmen.

  • S2016E10 Everything GREAT About Batman & Robin!

    • March 18, 2016
    • YouTube

    It's Batman v Superman week 2/3! Today's video is the only other time Batman shared the title with someone. Batman & Robin is regarded as the worst Batman of the originals, but I say, no! It's just misunderstood! Maybe the critics were wrong. Right? Here's everything right with Batman & Robin.

  • S2016E11 Everything GREAT About Man of Steel!

    • March 25, 2016
    • YouTube

    Batman v Superman week 3/3! We finally come to Man of Steel, the film that created the DCEU so that Dawn of Justice could exist. Let's all ignore what the early reviews are saying and judge for ourselves... Or I guess I'll just have to do an EGA Dawn of Justice in a few months. Man of Steel has some vocal critics and this is why they're wrong. Here's everything right with Man of Steel. Next week a 2015 success that surprised no one.

  • S2016E12 Everything GREAT About The Martian!

    • April 1, 2016
    • YouTube

    The Martian was mostly liked by critics, but it still has it's detractors. And somehow I keep landing on the same weeks with those detractors. :) This is why they're wrong. Here's everything right with The Martian.

  • S2016E13 Everything GREAT About The Jungle Book!

    • April 8, 2016
    • YouTube

    The Jungle Book live action version is out next week! So here's a look at Disney's version. The critics complain that this movie is slow, this is why they're wrong. Here's everything right with The Jungle Book. Next week fantasy wins.

  • S2016E14 Everything GREAT About Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens!

    • April 22, 2016
    • YouTube

    The Force Awakens didn't start getting badmouthed until it had broken all the records. Usually, I suggest that maybe the critics were wrong with their negativity. The. Critics. Are. Wrong. J.J. Abrams brought Star Wars back to its glory days. Here's everything right with Star Wars Ep VII The Force Awakens.

  • S2016E15 Everything GREAT About Captain America: The First Avenger!

    • April 29, 2016
    • YouTube

    With Captain America: Civil War coming up, I figured it would be fun to go back to the days before Cap was an Avenger. Captain America was given a C+ average from critics, this is why they're wrong. Here's everything right with Captain America The First Avenger. Next week more Avenging.

  • S2016E16 Everything GREAT About The Avengers!

    • May 6, 2016
    • YouTube

    Captain America Civil War is out! And it all started with this amazing movie, The Avengers. Any critics who gave this film a negative review were wrong. Here's everything right with The Avengers. Next week one of the worst movies to ever happen to us.

  • S2016E17 Everything GREAT About Deadpool!

    • May 20, 2016
    • YouTube

    Deadpool is one of the best comic book movies and THE best R rated comic book movies in recent history. Critics who dissed the merc with a mouth in this outing were wrong. But let's be honest, Deadpool can defend himself. Anyway, here's everything right with Deadpool. Next week robots.

  • S2016E18 Everything GREAT About I, Robot!

    • May 27, 2016
    • YouTube

    I, Robot had some harsh reviews from critics, but overall we the audience seemed to enjoy it. So maybe the critics were wrong. Here's everything right with I, Robot. Next week youthful deviant warrior snapper wins.

  • S2016E19 Everything GREAT About Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! (2014)

    • June 3, 2016
    • YouTube

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 is out today with similar looking reviews to this one. Critics hate it, most fans like it. So maybe the critics are wrong again. Here's everything right with TMNT 2014.

  • S2016E20 Everything GREAT About Sucker Punch!

    • June 11, 2016
    • YouTube

    Sucker Punch is one of those polarizing movies. You either hate it with the everything in you, or you love it just as hard. I had initially planned on doing Sucker Punch two weeks ago for X-Men Apocalypse to honor Oscar Isaac, but it ended up being more of an undertaking that I had anticipated and I didn't want to rush this video together and feel like it was unfinished. I already had I, Robot done, so you got that instead! The critics are wrong about this one. Here's everything right with Sucker Punch. Next week underwater levity.

  • S2016E21 Everything GREAT About Finding Nemo!

    • June 17, 2016
    • YouTube

    Finding Dory is out today! So come relive the wonder that is Finding Nemo! I guess the critics weren't wrong with this one, but here's everything right with Finding Nemo anyway! Next week lotsaslosions!

  • S2016E22 Everything GREAT About Independence Day!

    • June 24, 2016
    • YouTube

    Independence Day gets picked apart more than....I don't know, something that gets picked apart a lot. And since Resurgence is out today, what better way to celebrate? It's an amazing film that will stir up your emotions and bring you right back to the mid-90s. The critics weren't completely wrong, but this movie is better than a 61! Here's everything right with Independence Day. Next week blinding cgi fantasy.

  • S2016E23 Everything GREAT About Gods of Egypt!

    • July 1, 2016
    • YouTube

    Gods of Egypt was dismissed by critics when the first trailer came out. In fact, when I saw the trailer I said aloud that I knew I'd have to make an EGA for it. So here it is. Maybe the critics were wrong? Here's everything right with Gods of Egypt.

  • S2016E24 Everything GREAT About The Bourne Identity!

    • July 8, 2016
    • YouTube

    I had planned on doing The Bourne Legacy this week since it's the most underrated of the series, but I figured it made sense to go back to the beginning. I promise I'll get there eventually. The Bourne Identity is considered the weakest of the original trilogy, and I'm here to show you why it's just as good! The studio that tried to cut and delay Identity was the only one wrong with this one. Here's everything right with The Bourne Identity. Next week, space.

  • S2016E25 Everything GREAT About Star Trek! (2009)

    • July 15, 2016
    • YouTube

    Star Trek Beyond is out next week! So let's talk about how Star Trek 2009 divided Star Trek fans down the middle while at the same time creating a whole new audience for Star Trek. J.J. Abrams' critics claim it's not "real" Star Trek. This is why they're wrong. Here's everything right with Star Trek 2009.

  • S2016E26 Everything GREAT About Star Trek Into Darkness!

    • July 22, 2016
    • YouTube

    Star Trek Beyond is out today! Star Trek Into Darkness has been dismissed by most star trek fans for "borrowing" some key elements from previous films. Critics were generally kind, so it's the purists who are wrong this time. Here's everything right with Star Trek Into Darkness. Next week fuzzy wins.

  • S2016E27 Everything GREAT About Zootopia!

    • July 29, 2016
    • YouTube

    Whenever something is as popular as Zootopia, people have to tear it apart. So, instead, this is why there's almost nothing wrong with Zootopia. Here's everything right with Zootopia.

  • S2016E28 Everything GREAT About Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice!

    • August 6, 2016
    • YouTube

    Suicide Squad, right? Yeah, also you guys wanted this one pretty bad. Never has a movie been so maligned like Dawn of Justice. Well, maybe not never, but people have a real problem with Martha. This is why the critics are wrong, and the Martha haters are wrong. Here's everything right with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

  • S2016E29 Everything GREAT About How To Train Your Dragon!

    • August 12, 2016
    • YouTube

    Pete's Dragon is out and after watching Jeremy yell at Chris throughout that video I'm glad I chose How to Train Your Dragon for this week. Not a movie many didn't like, but here's everything right with How to Train Your Dragon anyway. Next week very large things.

  • S2016E30 Everything GREAT About Pacific Rim!

    • August 20, 2016
    • YouTube

    Pacific Rim has a C- critic score, which is actually not terrible based on the premise. But I believe it actually steps beyond the borders of its genre....Nah. But it's still awesome and better than a C-. So this is why the critics are wrong. Here's everything right with Pacific Rim.

  • S2016E31 Everything GREAT About Captain America: The Winter Soldier!

    • August 26, 2016
    • YouTube

    The Winter Soldier is regarded as one of the best of the MCU. That one critic from that one time who said it was bad is wrong. (I'm not sure he exists...) Here's everything right with Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier. Next week non-stop action.

  • S2016E32 Everything GREAT About Jack Reacher!

    • September 2, 2016
    • YouTube

    Jack Reacher 2: Never Go Back is coming out soon! So it was time to win this underrated action 90s call back flick. Maybe the critics were wrong. Here's everything right with Jack Reacher.

  • S2016E33 Everything GREAT About Avengers: Age of Ultron!

    • September 9, 2016
    • YouTube

    Avengers: Age of Ultron disappointed a lot of fans as the follow up to The Avengers. Is it possible you were too harsh? Maybe the critics were wrong. Here's everything right with Avengers Age of Ultron.

  • S2016E34 Everything GREAT About The Lego Movie!

    • September 16, 2016
    • YouTube

    The Lego Movie brings me right back to my childhood of playing...I mean, building with the highly sophisticated interlocking brick system. Storks, Warner Animation Group's second film to date is out next week, so what better way to celebrate than with their first smash hit. Nothing wrong with Legos. Here's everything AWESOME about The Lego Movie.

  • S2016E35 Everything GREAT About Captain America: Civil War!

    • September 24, 2016
    • YouTube

    Captain America: Civil War, rounding out the Captain America trilogy on just about the strongest note possible. There's very little wrong with this film. Which makes my job fun. Here's everything right with Captain America Civil War. Next week a whole new saga of wins will begin.

  • S2016E36 Everything GREAT About Warcraft!

    • October 8, 2016
    • YouTube

    Warcraft was panned before it even opened. Video game movies have an uphill battle right from inception. Maybe the critics were wrong? Here's everything right with Warcraft: The Beginning. Just as an aside, I've noticed people putting a little too much importance on the final win score of films for comparison. Hopefully this video's score will put that to rest.

  • S2016E37 Everything GREAT About X-Men: Apocalypse!

    • October 23, 2016
    • YouTube

    X-Men: Apocalypse has the hard task of being compared to two of the best comic book films ever. As a closing to First Class trilogy it does a lot right. Maybe the critics were wrong. Here's everything right with X-Men Apocalypse.

  • S2016E38 Everything GREAT About X-Men First Class!

    • October 23, 2016
    • YouTube

    X-Men First Class. Lots of you have already seen this win video, but the original was blocked. So I edited a bunch of stuff to hopefully keep the studio happy. Wanted to have the entire trilogy viewable for you. Still love the movie. That is all.

  • S2016E39 Everything GREAT About Big Hero 6!

    • October 29, 2016
    • YouTube

    Big Hero 6 surprised a lot of people at the box office and has so far stood the test of time for Disney. As usual some critics were extra hard on Baymax and friends. This is why they're wrong. Here's everything right with Big Hero 6.

  • S2016E40 Everything GREAT About Ant-Man!

    • November 5, 2016
    • YouTube

    Doctor Strange is out! So here's another MCU hero that borders on the magical. Ant-Man! We all thought it would be lame, but it ended up being awesome! Select critics were harsh as usual. This is why they're wrong. Here's everything right with Ant-Man.

  • S2016E41 Everything GREAT About Star Trek Beyond!

    • November 12, 2016
    • YouTube

    Star Trek Beyond was a film that had such good initial reviews, you knew a few critics would try to poke some holes. This is why they're wrong. Here's everything right with Star Trek Beyond.

  • S2016E42 Everything GREAT About Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone!

    • November 20, 2016
    • YouTube

    Fantastic Beasts is out! Harry Potter fans rejoice! Let's go back to the beginning...that tecnically takes place after Fantastic Beasts...Anyway, nothing wrong with Harry Potter! Here's everything right with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone...Philosopher's Stone...Sorc...oh whatever.

  • S2016E43 Everything GREAT About Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace!

    • November 27, 2016
    • YouTube

    Rogue One is almost here! So close, in fact, you may be able to reconsider the prequels… Come on, just try. Maybe everyone is wrong about The Phantom Menace. Whether you'll concede or not there are some great things you can't deny. So here's everything right with Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.

  • S2016E44 Everything GREAT About Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of The Clones!

    • December 3, 2016
    • YouTube

    Is Rogue One here yet? Next week you say?!? Well, let's take a look at the second movie leading up to Rogue One. Attack of The Clones! I'm not sure which is more hated between Episode II and Episode I. But here's everything right with Star Wars Episode II Attack of The Clones anyway.

  • S2016E45 Everything GREAT About Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of The Sith!

    • December 10, 2016
    • YouTube

    Rogue One is still a week away? You lied to me last week?!? Well, here's all the good stuff in Revenge of the Sith, which is a lot. Because it's actually a good movie. The critics were wrong. Here's everything right with Star Wars Ep 3 Revenge of The Sith plus a theory about what actually happens to Padme.

  • S2016E46 Everything GREAT About Suicide Squad!

    • December 16, 2016
    • YouTube

    Suicide Squad. Hated more than Batman v Superman? Hard to say. While not everything the critics said was wrong, everyone oversold the awful quite a bit. Here's everything right with Suicide Squad.

  • S2016E47 Everything GREAT About Home Alone!

    • December 23, 2016
    • YouTube

    A select few thousand of you saw my Home Alone video last year before it disappeared. But now it's back and updated! Home Alone is one of those classics I'll always see with rose colored glasses. Maybe Kevin is a sadistic psychopath. But nothing says Christmas like torturing home invaders. Merry Christmas!

Season 2017

  • S2017E01 Everything GREAT About Finding Dory!

    • January 1, 2017
    • YouTube

    Happy New Year! What better way to start the new year than with the most optimistic fish...in...the ocean. Finding Dory didn't get Finding Nemo levels of love, but it was still another enjoyable outing from Pixar. Here's everything right with Finding Dory.

  • S2017E02 Everything GREAT About Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets!

    • January 7, 2017
    • YouTube

    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets! You don't see people constantly ranking the Harry Potter movies like they do other franchises. Though I have heard this is a lot of people's least favorite. But there's still plenty of great!

  • S2017E03 Everything GREAT About The Last Airbender!

    • January 20, 2017
    • YouTube

    The Last Airbender. Wait, wait, WAIT! Before you all rush to smash the thumbs down, remember, you begged for this. I delivered. This is all your fault. Sigh…The critics weren't wrong. Doesn't mean there aren't some wins.

  • S2017E04 Everything GREAT About Edge of Tomorrow!

    • January 27, 2017
    • YouTube

    Edge of Tomorrow was pretty well-received, it just didn't make a lot of money. Not every All You Need Is Kill fan was pleased, but it still might be getting a sequel. Critics weren't wrong with this one either.

  • S2017E05 Everything GREAT About Batman Begins!

    • February 3, 2017
    • YouTube

    The Lego Batman movie is out next week! So let's go back to when Batman got live action rebooted into being cool again. Not much wrong with this one.

  • S2017E06 Everything GREAT About Wreck-It Ralph!

    • February 11, 2017
    • YouTube

    The Lego Batman Movie is out! So here's another awesome animated film. Wreck-It Ralph is one of my favorite movies from the last few years and this is why. Here's everything right with Wreck-It Ralph!

  • S2017E07 Everything GREAT About Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban!

    • February 17, 2017
    • YouTube

    Prisoner of Azkaban might be the most well-made film in the series. However it wasn't without its critics, who were wrong.

  • S2017E08 Everything GREAT About X-Men Origins Wolverine!

    • February 25, 2017
    • YouTube

    Logan is coming soon and the reviews are looking great! So let's go back to the first in the Wolverine trilogy X-Men Origins. One of the few trilogies that seem to get better as they progress.

  • S2017E09 Everything GREAT About The Wolverine!

    • March 4, 2017
    • YouTube

    Logan is out! The Wolverine is technically a sequel to The Last Stand, and a setup for Days of Future Past, but it's also the 2nd film in the Wolverine Trilogy and that trilogy is complete as of today!

  • S2017E10 Everything GREAT About Doctor Strange!

    • March 11, 2017
    • YouTube

    Doctor Strange! The MCU keeps pumping these movies out and we keep loving them. Well, most of us. And the rest of you are wrong. Juuuuust kidding.

  • S2017E11 Everything GREAT About The Jungle Book! (2016)

    • March 17, 2017
    • YouTube

    Rather than look at the original Beauty and The Beast this week, I decided to look at the most recent live action remake to see if Disney really knows what they're doing. If this relatively unnecessary film is any indication, we should be fine. We'll have to see if Emma Watson has what it takes.

  • S2017E12 Everything GREAT About Moana!

    • March 24, 2017
    • YouTube

    I am Moana!!!!! Well, technically not me, but she made me feel like I could sing it at the top of my lungs. What a great film with an extraordinary ending.

  • S2017E13 Everything GREAT About Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them!

    • April 1, 2017
    • YouTube

    Fantastic Beasts! Not as well received by all as some critics would have you believe. But maybe those naysayers are wrong.

  • S2017E14 Everything GREAT About Iron Man!

    • April 9, 2017
    • YouTube

    Iron Man! The first MCU movie that surprised everyone and kicked off the franchise. Still one of the best in my opinion.

  • S2017E15 Everything GREAT About Rogue One: A Star Wars Story!

    • April 16, 2017
    • YouTube

    The Last Jedi TEASER!!! Who's watched it over a dozen times so far? Show of hands. Anyway, in the most coincidentally relevant video choice for this week ever, here's all the greatness in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story!

  • S2017E16 Everything GREAT About The Hunger Games!

    • April 23, 2017
    • YouTube

    The Hunger Games. I was actually surprised how many of you have requested this one. I guess anything that hits a certain level of popularity or cultural saturation is bound to get hated on. Guess what? It's still pretty great.

  • S2017E17 Everything GREAT About Guardians of The Galaxy!

    • April 28, 2017
    • YouTube

    Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 2 is out next week, and I'm pretty stinking excited for it! So it made sense to get all hyped up by tallying up the wins in the original.

  • S2017E18 Everything GREAT About Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire!

    • May 6, 2017
    • YouTube

    The Goblet of Fire...I mean FIYAH!!! One of my favorites. Can't go wrong with Brendan Gleeson!

  • S2017E19 Everything GREAT About Prometheus!

    • May 14, 2017
    • YouTube

    Alien: Covenant is out next week! So this week I took a look at the much maligned by many but also loved by many, Prometheus. Polarizing film for sure. Guess how I feel about it?

  • S2017E20 Everything GREAT About Spider-Man!

    • May 20, 2017
    • YouTube

    Spider-Man Homecoming is on its way! So this week we go all the way back to the beginning of what really kicked off the superhero love. You guys voted and out of 7000 votes, 66% of you wanted the Raimi Trilogy.

  • S2017E21 Everything GREAT About Logan!

    • May 28, 2017
    • YouTube

    Logan can be a tough film to find wins in, through the streaming tears and wailing. I did find a couple.

  • S2017E22 Everything GREAT About Spider-Man 2!

    • June 10, 2017
    • YouTube

    Spider-Man 2 is agreed by most to be the best of the trilogy, but can it beat the first!?

  • S2017E23 Everything GREAT About Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix!

    • June 18, 2017
    • YouTube

    The Order of The Phoenix! It's the one where we first get Bellatrix! Not sure if it's anyone's favorite, but still a lot of great stuff.

  • S2017E24 Everything GREAT About The Lego Batman Movie!

    • July 9, 2017
    • YouTube

    I'm back…ish! Probably going to be more typos than normal, just blame the lack of sleep! The LEGO Batman Movie is a movie that by all statistical and historical analysis should be a lame cash grab that everyone hated. But you already know that's not the case.

  • S2017E25 Everything GREAT About Sunshine!

    • July 29, 2017
    • YouTube

    Dunkirk has Cillian Murphy. Sunshine has Cillian Murphy. And that's all I really need to know. Sunshine is one of the most underrated sci-fi films. The critics weren't necessarily wrong, though some were just not right. Just go watch it.

  • S2017E26 Everything GREAT About Scott Pilgrim vs The World! (Part 1)

    • August 6, 2017
    • YouTube

    Baby Driver. My schedule said it came out 7/28/17. My schedule lied. But I wanted an excuse to do Scott Pilgrim vs The World. So here it is. Turns out it's the longest video I've done yet, so rather than publish it all next week, I split it up.

  • S2017E27 Everything GREAT About Scott Pilgrim vs The World! (Part 2)

    • August 11, 2017
    • YouTube

    Scott Pilgrim vs The World Part 2! You know the drill.

  • S2017E28 Everything GREAT About Iron Man 2!

    • August 19, 2017
    • YouTube

    Iron Man 2 is probably the least liked of the trilogy, but still gets some undeserved criticism.

  • S2017E29 Everything GREAT About Kung Fu Panda 2!

    • August 26, 2017
    • YouTube

    I know, I know, you guys were right, last weeks frame was for GOTG Vol 2, but something outside my control came up, so it's coming next week. I figured the best way to sate you would be to finally deliver on something you've wanted for years.

  • S2017E30 Everything GREAT About Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 2!

    • September 2, 2017
    • YouTube

    Guardians Of The Galaxy 2, while having a pretty good Rotten Tomatoes score, still had a mixed reception. So let's put that to silliness to rest.

  • S2017E31 Everything GREAT About Alien: Covenant!

    • September 9, 2017
    • YouTube

    Alien: Covenant didn't get the best reception, but I think it's been picked apart a lot more than it deserves, just like Prometheus... Be honest, do you always remember your space suit on alien planets?

  • S2017E32 Everything GREAT About Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince!

    • September 17, 2017
    • YouTube

    Half Blood Prince may be the movie that most upset book readers, but it's still got some pretty great moments.

  • S2017E33 Everything GREAT About Wonder Woman!

    • September 24, 2017
    • YouTube

    Wonder Woman! The most wonderous womanest superhero there ever was! Most people liked it. Maybe those people were wrong?...Nah.

  • S2017E34 Everything GREAT About Kingsman: The Secret Service!

    • September 30, 2017
    • YouTube

    Kingsman: The Golden Circle is out! Lots of stuff that made Kingsman earn a sequel. It had a little controversy around it, but still, plenty of R rated fun to be had!

  • S2017E35 Everything GREAT About Thor!

    • October 7, 2017
    • YouTube

    Thor was a totally competent movie that surprised a lot of people for fitting in the MCU so well. But people don't often talk about it too fondly. Maybe it was better than you remember?

  • S2017E36 Everything GREAT About X-Men Days of Future Past!

    • October 14, 2017
    • YouTube

    Days of Future Past! Ah, you've already seen this. The only question is, do I leave this as the description forever?

  • S2017E37 Everything GREAT About Iron Man 3!

    • October 22, 2017
    • YouTube

    Ragnarok is coming. You guys sensing a pattern? Iron Man 3 was loved by many and also despised as the worst thing to ever happen to comic books by others. I liked it.

  • S2017E38 Everything GREAT About Spider-Man: Homecoming!

    • October 30, 2017
    • YouTube

    Spider-Man Homecoming should have been bad, right? It's the third version inside one decade. But somehow they did it! They actually created something new.

  • S2017E39 Everything GREAT About Thor: The Dark World!

    • November 5, 2017
    • YouTube

    Thor: Ragnarok is finally here! Not everyone loved Thor 2 as much as they seem to be loving Thor 3, but it wasn't all bad.

  • S2017E40 Everything GREAT About Trolls!

    • November 11, 2017
    • YouTube

    Trolls! A movie about the most optimistic 80s toys! What could go wrong? Actually, for me, not a whole lot.

  • S2017E41 Everything GREAT About The Dark Knight Rises!

    • November 18, 2017
    • YouTube

    Justice League is here and...well...you know...But some people hated Nolan's third Batman film as well, so this is why they're wrong.

  • S2017E42 Everything GREAT About Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope!

    • December 4, 2017
    • YouTube

    The Last Jedi, here we come! Last year you guys really wanted to hear about the prequels and since then you've been clamoring for the orig-trig. So to quote Han Solo, "Here's where the fun begins." So for my 100th Episode!

  • S2017E43 Everything GREAT About Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back!

    • December 11, 2017
    • YouTube

    Continuing the orig-trig with The Empire Strikes Back! An amazing movie with no real conclusion.

  • S2017E44 Everything GREAT About Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of The Jedi!

    • December 17, 2017
    • YouTube

    The Last Jedi is here! And big surprise, people are divided. Haven’t seen it yet, but it looks like I might have my work cut out for me. In the meantime this is another Star Wars movie some people love and others hate.

  • S2017E45 Everything GREAT About Die Hard!

    • December 24, 2017
    • YouTube

    Merry Christmas And Happy Die Hard! Die Hard being a Christmas movie is a cliché that I'll happily play into. You guys voted for it, so here it is!

  • S2017E46 Everything GREAT About Kingsman: The Golden Circle!

    • December 30, 2017
    • YouTube

    Kingsman 2! To The Golden Circle. That would have have been a better name. Annnnnyway. Not everyone liked this movie. I did. This is why.

Season 2018

  • S2018E01 Everything GREAT About The Maze Runner!

    • January 6, 2018
    • YouTube

    The Maze Runner Death Cure opens in a few weeks, so I wanted to see if there was anything good about the first two movies. As far as YAF goes...well, just watch the video.

  • S2018E02 Everything GREAT About Baby Driver!

    • January 20, 2018
    • YouTube

    Baby... Driver... BABY DRIVER! Edgar Wright. What a film. I GUARANTEE you will see at least one extra easter egg/little detail that you missed while watching this film. And I also guarantee one of you will point out one that I missed.

  • S2018E03 Everything GREAT About Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials!

    • January 26, 2018
    • YouTube

    A Friday video?! Oh my stars, it's been so long. The Death Cure is out! So let's take a look at The Scorch Trials. Some people liked it more than The Maze Runner, some less, some told me they'd burn (scorch) my house down if I ever did it. C'est la vie.

  • S2018E04 Everything GREAT About Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows - Part 1!

    • February 2, 2018
    • YouTube

    Coming to the end of Harry Potter! This one's sad. But you knew that. Next week is all puppies and cotton candy right...RIGHT?

  • S2018E05 Everything GREAT About Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows - Part 2!

    • February 11, 2018
    • YouTube

    And that's all she wrote! The Harry Potter finale! This one...also ended up being sad. But there's some happiness in here. So let's focus on that!

  • S2018E06 Everything GREAT About The Incredible Hulk!

    • February 18, 2018
    • YouTube

    Black Panther is out! So let's go look at the second MCU movie made. People had some problems with it, I still think it was a net positive movie.

  • S2018E07 Everything GREAT About Coco!

    • February 28, 2018
    • YouTube

    Coco is at the very least one of the prettiest animations I've seen in quite a while. Makes me want to go get a 4K TV. But it also somehow manages to pull a tear or two out of me each time I watch it. SOMETIMES three.

  • S2018E08 Everything GREAT About Dredd!

    • March 10, 2018
    • YouTube

    Dredd! Again! Finally! After being blocked for over a year in lots of countries and also blocked on mobile?? It's back...hopefully. I added some new wins, tweaked some stuff to try to make it more studio friendly and hopefully you like it as much as last time.

  • S2018E09 Everything GREAT About Fantastic Mr. Fox!

    • March 18, 2018
    • YouTube

    Isle of Dogs will be here next week! So, today we look at Wes Anderson's only other stop-motion film. People were more split on it than I remember. But this is why it's great.

  • S2018E10 Everything GREAT About Thor: Ragnarok!

    • March 23, 2018
    • YouTube

    This movie, I tell ya. It might be my favorite MCU film. Guardians is still up there. Iron Man 1 is still up there. I've got to let it settle a little. Buuuuuuut not everyone loved it.

  • S2018E11 Everything GREAT About Ender's Game!

    • March 31, 2018
    • YouTube

    Ender's Game and Ready Player One have a loooot in common. They're both movies...the list goes on and on. And behind Tron Legacy, never seeing an Ender's Shadow or some kind of sequel to this movie will always make me sad. But this movie was good!

  • S2018E12 Everything GREAT About Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets!

    • April 8, 2018
    • YouTube

    Valerian and The Township of 100 Planetary Bodies or whatever is the worst! Just kidding, I actually enjoyed this movie. I might be alone, but oh well. You find me a platform shooting gun and we'll be friends forever.

  • S2018E13 Everything GREAT About Mission: Impossible!

    • April 14, 2018
    • YouTube

    Mission Impossible 6: Fallout is coming soon, so let's remember how awesome this first Mission Impossible was and still is. I promise I barely talk about Tom Cruise. </sarcasm>

  • S2018E14 Everything GREAT About Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle!

    • April 21, 2018
    • YouTube

    Jumanji Welcome To The Jungle was a surprise! Although I guess I'm rarely surprised by The Rock anymore. I'm sure not everyone loved it, but here's everything right with Jumanji 2...or Jumanji 1.2?

  • S2018E15 Everything GREAT About Megamind!

    • April 29, 2018
    • YouTube

    Megamind! It's been requested more times than I can count! And what better time than as Infinity War is released! Cus...superheroes! In other words I'm not taking advantage of the biggest movie release of all time in any way shape or form because I'm all out of MCU movies and hopefully this will reduce the number of spoilers. Shouldn't have said that. Only my fans read these though, right? And my fans are the nicest bunch around. Anyway, long description. Megamind is awesome, you should watch it.

  • S2018E16 Everything GREAT About Maze Runner: The Death Cure!

    • May 5, 2018
    • YouTube

    The Death Cure! The end of a trilogy not everyone loved. Maybe the death rattle of the YA film genre. Was it a good way to go out?

  • S2018E17 Everything GREAT About Mission: Impossible II!

    • May 12, 2018
    • YouTube

    The follow-up to Mission Impossible that some people hated and some people were "meh" about. Fallout is coming so we're going to keep this M:I train going.

  • S2018E18 Everything GREAT About Justice League!

    • May 19, 2018
    • YouTube

    Justice League had some problems early on in production, but the final product was surprisingly...decent...? I'm sure I liked it more than most, but here's everything done right with Justice League!

  • S2018E19 Everything GREAT About Mission: Impossible III!

    • June 1, 2018
    • YouTube

    Mission Impossible 3! Based on Fallout trailers, this seems to be the first one that will really tie into Mission Impossible 6. And it has Philip Seymour Hoffman. What's not to like?

  • S2018E20 Everything GREAT About Black Panther!

    • June 9, 2018
    • YouTube

    Black Panther changed the landscape of marketable movies even more than Deadpool did. Not everyone was a fan, so here's why they're wrong. :) Been a while since I used that line.

  • S2018E21 Everything GREAT About The Incredibles!

    • June 17, 2018
    • YouTube

    The Incredibles 2! A sequel we're all surprised took so long! Most people agree its a great movie, some think it's the best Pixar film ever, others have bad taste. JUST. KIDDING!

  • S2018E22 Everything GREAT About Jurassic World!

    • June 23, 2018
    • YouTube

    Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom is Out! What better reason to look for what's great about Jurassic World. People think they've found some gaping plot holes...but did they really?

  • S2018E23 Everything GREAT About San Andreas!

    • July 15, 2018
    • YouTube

    Skyscraper is out, so I figured I redux one of my first videos ever. San Andreas was a generic disaster movie that wasn't really all that generic. I enjoyed it, and enough of you did as well since it's getting a sequel. First, The Rock has other heroics to perform.

  • S2018E24 Everything GREAT About The Equalizer!

    • July 22, 2018
    • YouTube

    The Equalizer 2 is out! Which means you all must have liked something about the first one, right? You don't know everything there is to know about microwaves!

  • S2018E25 Everything GREAT About Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation!

    • July 28, 2018
    • YouTube

    Mission: Impossible Fallout is finally here! I'm sure I'm just extra amped up because I've been watching all of these for past few months, but the 97% RT score doesn't hurt. Although to be honest it's tough not to like a Mission Impossible movie.

  • S2018E26 Everything GREAT About Paddington!

    • August 5, 2018
    • YouTube

    You should actually watch this movie. I probably wouldn't have listened if someone told me, but here we are. Christopher Robin has a bear in it, Paddington has a bear in it. So that's that. Also the Doctor, Peter Capaldi is in both.

  • S2018E27 Everything GREAT About Ready Player One!

    • August 11, 2018
    • YouTube

    It actually has a better RT score than It's box office return would lead you to believe. Critics seemed to be pretty tough on it, so that’s why I'm here. ;)

  • S2018E28 Everything GREAT About Tomb Raider!

    • August 17, 2018
    • YouTube

    Tomb Raider! A reboot of some movies based on old video games that were rebooted more recently. Really it's just a film adaptation of the 2013 Tomb Raider, but that was more fun to say. Some people loved it, some people thought it gave them cancer.

  • S2018E29 Everything GREAT About Inside Out!

    • August 25, 2018
    • YouTube

    Sooooo The Happytime Murders are...is a thing and this movie is about happiNESS…time. Huh? Who? Inside Out! People who don't like Pixar didn't like this movie. And Pixar purists who believe everything after Wall-E is bad also don't like this movie. I, well I cried a lot. I'll have to watch Coco and Inside Out back to back to see which is more emotional.

  • S2018E30 Everything GREAT About Avengers: Infinity War! (Part 1)

    • September 1, 2018
    • YouTube

    Avengers…Infinity War? Did you guys like this one? Meh, I don't know. It was alright, I guess. I'll try my best to find some decent stuff in it. Wish me luck. JUST KIDDING. I love this movie.

  • S2018E31 Everything GREAT About Avengers: Infinity War! (Part 2)

    • September 8, 2018
    • YouTube

    Avengers: Infinity War! I guess you know by now how I feel about this film. Loved it 2 videos worth. 3 if you count the theory video!

  • S2018E32 Everything GREAT About Spider-Man 3!

    • September 18, 2018
    • YouTube

    Spider-Man Homecoming is still killing at the box office, so I'm finally closing out the Raimi Spider-Man trilogy with everyone's favorite Spider-Man 3. Wink, wink. I was happy to be reminded of how much greatness is in this movie.

  • S2018E33 Everything GREAT About The Dark Knight!

    • September 20, 2018
    • YouTube

    Wonder Women is out! So here's another DC hero. And definitely one of my favorite movies of all time. Batman Begins 2 was really something special.

  • S2018E34 Everything GREAT About The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring! (Part 1)

    • September 29, 2018
    • YouTube

    Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring! (PART 1) No fake out this time. This movie is so long, which makes for a long video. I just needed to split it up for probably obvious reasons at this point. Anyway, you guys have been asking for this one for quite a while. Another one of those "first requests." It was an undertaking!

  • S2018E35 Everything GREAT About The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring! (Part 2)

    • October 1, 2018
    • YouTube

    Fellowship of The Ring Part 2! Thanks for your patience! Which half of this movie is better? First or second? Hard to say.

  • S2018E36 Everything GREAT About Solo: A Star Wars Story!

    • October 7, 2018
    • YouTube

    Solo! A movie with not terrible reviews, but a pretty terrible box office. Still some good in it? You'll just have to see and other watch-baity statements. I didn't sleep last night. Here's everything right with Solo A Stargate…no…Star Trek…no…Starkiller Story! There it is. I won't think this is nearly as funny tomorrow.

  • S2018E37 Everything GREAT About Chronicle!

    • October 21, 2018
    • YouTube

    Chronicle is one of those underrated movies that slipped through the cracks while receiving pretty good reviews from both critics and audience members alike. I personally remember a lot of people complaining about it when it was released, but I guess that was just a Mandela Effect. Either way, check it out now if you never got a chance before.

  • S2018E38 Everything GREAT About A Quiet Place!

    • October 27, 2018
    • YouTube

    A Quiet Place has no plot holes. Don't @ me! Or do, that's fine, you guys are all really nice. But seriously, other than really, really minor things, the "plot hole" epidemic that everything thinks is being excused in the movie is bonkers.

  • S2018E39 Everything GREAT About Deadpool 2!

    • November 4, 2018
    • YouTube

    Deadpool 2! The sequel to the movie in the video that launched a 1000 me's… I like this movie. I did predict there would be critics saying "not as good as the first" but I never checked. Let's assume I was right.

  • S2018E40 Everything GREAT About The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers! (Part 1)

    • November 11, 2018
    • YouTube

    The Two Towers! Some people's least favorite, to my surprise, some people's favorite. There's plenty of greatness, and some more industry standards set in this one.

  • S2018E41 Everything GREAT About The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers! (Part 2)

    • November 14, 2018
    • YouTube

    Turns out a lot of you really love this film, so let's close it out. Finally talk about those new industry standards.

  • S2018E42 Everything GREAT About Ant-Man and The Wasp!

    • November 21, 2018
    • YouTube

    Another MCU sequel that should have been a let down follow up that wasn't at all. Every time you think Marvel has hit the end of the rope they surprise you.

  • S2018E43 Everything GREAT About Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi!

    • December 7, 2018
    • YouTube

    Sorry to those of you who love me but hate this movie. Let's take a journey, you and me, though the most divisive Star Wars film ever conceived at least until the next one. I think you'll have fun. And if you don't, we can still be friends, I promise.

  • S2018E44 Everything GREAT About The Lord of The Rings: The Return of The King! (Part 1)

    • December 19, 2018
    • YouTube

    Finally made it to the end of The Lord of The Rings! Should be less divisive than my last two videos, but I know you LOTR haters are out there. So let's give it its due!

  • S2018E45 Everything GREAT About The Lord of The Rings: The Return of The King! (Part 2)

    • December 23, 2018
    • YouTube

    And here we are at the end of all things...LOTR. At least until the Hobbit. I hope I got in some of the things you guys wanted to see, these movies are filled with content.

Season 2019

  • S2019E01 Everything GREAT About Split!

    • January 16, 2019
    • YouTube

    Glass is out this week! And since Split is the reason that Glass was greenlit, here we are. Most people enjoyed Split, some had some issues that I'm going to try to address. M. Night Shyamalan can be hit or miss, so let's see where this one falls. Here's everything right with Split!

  • S2019E02 Everything GREAT About The Meg!

    • January 27, 2019
    • YouTube

    The Meg! I took my wife to see this and she said I had to do this movie so here we are. We've always enjoyed this…"type"…of movie. And she loves sharks, so it was a no-brainer…huh. But seriously, plenty of fun to be had. Here's everything right with The Meg!

  • S2019E03 Everything GREAT About The Lego Ninjago Movie!

    • February 2, 2019
    • YouTube

    The Lego Movie 2 is here! Since I already did The Lego Movie, it felt like a good time to look at the least loved of the 3 lego movies. But there's got to be something good going on in there, right? Here's everything right with The Lego Ninjago Movie!

  • S2019E04 Everything GREAT About Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom!

    • February 8, 2019
    • YouTube

    Fallen Kingdom! You could say the Jurassic Park Kingdom…has…nevermind. People didn't love JW2 as I like to call it. And I get why, but I think a lot you actually did enjoy it. So that's why I'm here! Here's everything right with Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom!

  • S2019E05 Everything GREAT About How To Train Your Dragon 2!

    • February 15, 2019
    • YouTube

    The Hidden World opens next week and what better time to give you all a movie you've been asking for, for 3 years. It's a good one. Here's everything right with How To Train Your Dragon 2!

  • S2019E06 Everything GREAT About Venom!

    • February 23, 2019
    • YouTube

    Venom! Critics and audiences were split on this one. Kind of like Eddie Brock. It's always nice to see a movie that people liked, make enough money to sustain itself even if the critics tried to keep you home. Here's everything right with Venom!

  • S2019E07 Everything GREAT About Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol!

    • March 3, 2019
    • YouTube

    Yes this is a reupload, it was blocked worldwide. So I re-edited it. Ghost Protocol is top of the list for a lot of you and others thought it was just the pits. I've flip-flopped through time, always liked it…now I…well you'll just have to see, won't you? Here's everything right with Mission: Impossible 4 - Ghost Protocol!

  • S2019E08 Everything GREAT About Equilibrium!

    • March 10, 2019
    • YouTube

    Equilibrium! Underrated? Overrated? Rated? Who could say 2 decades later? Me...I could. You like Christian Bale? Here's everything right with Equilibrium!

  • S2019E09 Everything GREAT About Incredibles 2!

    • March 17, 2019
    • YouTube

    Incredibles 2! Most people loved it, a handful hated it. Let's see if there are any wins! Here's everything right with Incredibles 2!

  • S2019E10 Everything GREAT About Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse!

    • March 23, 2019
    • YouTube

    Spider-Verse! Probably the prettiest movie made last year, potentially one of the prettiest ever. One that got great reviews but not as many people as you'd expect went out to see it. Here's why you should definitely go see the next one in theatres! Everything right with Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse!

  • S2019E11 Everything GREAT About Mission: Impossible - Fallout!

    • March 29, 2019
    • YouTube

    Fallout! A movie that by all rights should be just awful. Tom Cruise and Chris McQuarrie refuse to make a bad movie for some reason. Let me know you're ranking…I'm still thinking about mine. Here's everything right with Mission Impossible 6 Fallout!

  • S2019E12 Everything GREAT About John Wick!

    • April 13, 2019
    • YouTube

    John Wick 3, or Parabellum I guess is coming soon. So it was a good time to do one of the more requested movies I get from you people. And after 3 weeks of putting it off, here's everything right with John Wick!

  • S2019E13 Everything GREAT with Aquaman!

    • April 20, 2019
    • YouTube

    Aquaman! A movie no one really expected to be anything special and then Wan stepped up his game. Enough to revive the DCEU? Only time will tell. Here's everything right with Aquaman!

  • S2019E14 Everything GREAT About Glass!

    • May 10, 2019
    • YouTube

    Glass. Glass, Glass…Glass. Well…here's everything right with Glass.

  • S2019E15 Everything GREAT About John Wick Chapter 2!

    • May 17, 2019
    • YouTube

    John Wick 2! What would be the point of making a sequel to the greatest action movie of a generation? Make one equally as good. Keanu's back to get em all. Parabellum is out today! Let's hope he can keep this streak up!

  • S2019E16 Everything GREAT About The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part!

    • May 25, 2019
    • YouTube

    The Lego Movie 2! Another one of those sequels that would have absolutely been awful and tanked 10 years ago. What a time to be alive! Here's everything right with The Lego Movie Second Part!

  • S2019E17 Everything GREAT About The Amazing Spider-Man! (2012)

    • May 31, 2019
    • YouTube

    Far From Home is coming, so it's time to wrap up these Spidey movies. The Amazing Spider-Man, pile of lizard skin, or forgotten gem? Let's have a look-see. Here's everything right with TASM!

  • S2019E18 Everything GREAT About X-Men!

    • June 8, 2019
    • YouTube

    Dark Phoenix isn't getting much love from critics, but as seems to be the case with X-Men movies, the audiences are feeling better about it. In honor of Fox's last run with the X-Men, here's everything right with the original X-Men! (2000)

  • S2019E19 Everything GREAT About How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World!

    • June 21, 2019
    • YouTube

    How to Train Your Dragon 3 has come and gone and I can safely say it's one of my favorite animated trilogies ever. Going back through 1 & 2 for clips brought back a bunch of emotions. These are powerful movies. I don't know, maybe I just really want to fly. Here's everything right with The Hidden World!

  • S2019E20 Everything GREAT About Captain Marvel! (Part 1)

    • June 29, 2019
    • YouTube

    Captain Marvel! Some people loved it! Some people meh-ed it. Some people hated it. Some people just hate Brie Larson. Business as usual. Here's everything right with Captain Marvel!

  • S2019E21 Everything GREAT About Captain Marvel! (Part 2)

    • July 7, 2019
    • YouTube

    Captain Marvel created a divide between people. Let's fix it, eh? Or whatever, the alt title to this video would be Captain Marvel: Empathy.

  • S2019E22 Everything GREAT About The Lion King!

    • July 12, 2019
    • YouTube

    The Lion King! A Classic so amazing no one would ever try to remak… Good news everyone! They're remaking The Lion King! Live-actio… Good news everyone! Jon Favreau has never faile… All jokes friends, I'm excited, so let's celebrate! The Lion King 2019 is out next week, so here's everything right with The Lion King 1994!

  • S2019E23 Everything GREAT About The Amazing Spider-Man 2!

    • July 27, 2019
    • YouTube

    Far From Home is in theatres, has been for a bit but that's okay! Right? You guys still wanted this. So these are all the wins in a movie that a lot of people dislike. Here's everything right with TASM2!

  • S2019E24 Everything GREAT About Alita: Battle Angel!

    • August 3, 2019
    • YouTube

    Alita! Critics weren't fans, but guess who was? All of us! Here's everything right with Alita: Battle Angel!

  • S2019E25 Everything GREAT About Pokémon Detective Pikachu!

    • August 23, 2019
    • YouTube

    Pokemon Detective Pikachu was a surprise for Pokemon and non-Pokemon fans I like. Ryan Reynolds can have that effect on things. If you hated, this is why people liked it.

  • S2019E26 Everything GREAT About Shazam!

    • August 31, 2019
    • YouTube

    Hmph. Didn't make a ton of money but it seems like everyone how saw it was pretty happy with it. Let's get into why it's good err great!

  • S2019E27 Everything GREAT About Unbreakable!

    • September 6, 2019
    • YouTube

    The one that started it all. All the comics books. ;) Didn't get the love it deserved when it was released and honestly it's still a little underrated. Prepare for praise!

  • S2019E28 Everything GREAT About Godzilla King of the Monsters!

    • September 14, 2019
    • YouTube

    To be honest I totally forget this was also a sequel to Skull Island...sooooo that's still on the list. King of the Monsters did better with audiences than critics so it's a perfect reason to find everything right with Godzilla!

  • S2019E29 Everything GREAT About Kong: Skull Island!

    • September 27, 2019
    • YouTube

  • S2019E30 Everything GREAT About Avengers: Endgame! (Part 1)

    • October 5, 2019
    • YouTube

    You've all seen it, you all loved it, let's celebrate it! Maybe you'll even see some things you missed.

  • S2019E31 Everything GREAT About Avengers: Endgame! (Part 2)

    • October 11, 2019
    • YouTube

    Which is Infinity War Part 4 or something. Since this movie isn't cinema I've decided to change my channel name to ThemeParkWins. What's wrong with that? Hope you'll still watch!

  • S2019E32 Everything GREAT About Avengers: Endgame! (Part 3)

    • October 18, 2019
    • YouTube

    And now we come to the end…game.

  • S2019E33 Everything GREAT About Get Out! (Part 1)

    • October 26, 2019
    • YouTube

    Get Out! No, wait! Watch the video first and other jokes of equal value. I'm just realizing I barely punned in this video. Oh well, next time.

  • S2019E34 Everything GREAT About Get Out! (Part 2)

    • November 1, 2019
    • YouTube

    It took a little longer than expected and is a little different than my usual video. Maybe we can all go with an open mind…?

  • S2019E35 Everything GREAT About Dark Phoenix!

    • November 10, 2019
    • YouTube

    I get accused of only doing movies everyone loved. Stop that.

  • S2019E36 Everything GREAT About Frozen!

    • November 22, 2019
    • YouTube

    Picked a great movie for right after all the COPPA requirements came out. Even though it's an animated movie, this video is not made 'for' kids. But don't be confused, all my content is appropriate for kids unless otherwise stated by me, we just all agree that kids shouldn't be targeted by ads.

  • S2019E37 Everything GREAT About Spider-Man: Far From Home!

    • November 30, 2019
    • YouTube

    Definitely the best Spider-Man movie to come out this year. More people had problems with it than I knew, but what are you gonna do, make a video about it?

  • S2019E38 Everything GREAT About John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum!

    • December 14, 2019
    • YouTube

    Everyone was both surprised and not surprised that John Wick 3 is as good as it is. Fingers crossed moving forward!

  • S2019E39 Everything GREAT About Threat Level Midnight!

    • December 21, 2019
    • YouTube

    The greatest spy/action/love/robot/NHL/disfigurement/sci-fi film to come out of the last 8 decades. I dare you to find a better movie-going experience.

  • S2019E40 Everything GREAT About Treasure Planet!

    • December 24, 2019
    • YouTube

    I figured why wait till Friday, right? A special one for a lot of you. Will we have any movies left after this one?!? Yeah prolly. This movie performed poorly but has become a favorite for lots of people.

Season 2020

Season 2021

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Season 2025

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