As the grand final begins, Fujisaki proves to be tough opponents, partly due to their intense stamina training by their coach, Sakurazawa, whilst Rion has an advantage over Chihaya due to being the granddaughter of the reader. Recalling Kana's advice on listening to the poems, Chihaya starts to understand some of the 'colors' each card possesses. She attempts to gain momentum, but seems to be plagued by an injury on her finger occured when Rion prevented her from taking a card. However, she focuses on her good finger and starts fighting back, intriguing the attention of Shinobu. Noticing Chihaya fight through her pain, Taichi and the others become more determined.
Au début de la grande finale, Fujisaki s'avère être un adversaire redoutable, en partie grâce à l'entraînement intense de son entraîneur, Sakurazawa, tandis que Rion a un avantage sur Chihaya. Se rappelant les conseils de Kana sur l'écoute des poèmes, Chihaya commence à comprendre certaines des " couleurs " que chaque carte possède. Elle tente de prendre de l'élan, mais semble souffrir d'une blessure au doigt survenue lorsque Rion l'a empêchée de prendre une carte.