Seemingly dull Chhabi Biswas, a mockery to his friends and neighbours, faces a terrible end when police find his house in a bloodbath.
The financial burden leads Chhabi to sell his father's camera, but soon the camera puts Chhabi's life in mortal peril.
When Chhabi gets scammed by an aspiring model, he plans to entrap her in a gruesome fate. Meanwhile, the police start investigating the sudden death of Tulsi.
Chhabi becomes desperate to trap new victims to complete the tasks of Stalkerstock to keep the money flowing. Police suspect a serial killer, who is behind all the murders.
Kanon stalks Chhabi after sensing something odd in his whereabouts. Police track the killer's latest victim at the hospital to locate the perpetrator.
Stalkerstock pressurizes Chhabi to complete the next task, to amend his last mistake. But, in a twist of fate, he faces a terrible end.