"West Side Story Medley" performed by Cher "Hot Legs" performed by Rod Stewart "Two Doors Down" performed by Dolly Parton "Conversation in Song Lyrics", Cher, Parton "Musical Battle to Save Cher's Soul Medley" performed by Cher, Parton & The Tubes. The performance is a duel between the forces of good and evil to determine where Cher will spend eternity. Dolly Parton is dressed in white and, with a team of brightly clad singers, portrays an angel, while The Tubes, dressed in black leather, battle to send Cher's soul into eternal damnation. Songs performed include "Smoke (La Vie en Fumer)" and "Mondo Bondage" (the Tubes), "People Get Ready" (Parton), and "My Sweet Lord" (Cher). "A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes" performed by Cher