Maintaining privacy and security when those closest to you is exploiting the worst of surveillance capitalism and patriarchy to pwn you is a user case no one planned for. Or should Big Tech have known better? Gender-based violence has existed in all societies and centuries, but in the 21st one the digital arena is proving to be especially tricky for victims. When (primarily) women leave their abusive (primarily) male partners or family members they often have to leave behind everything and make a clean break - including from their digital identities. This is way easier said than done. (Ever tried unsubscribing from.. anything?) Surveillance capitalism has further exacerbated this challenge, as stalker-ware is becoming increasingly prevalent and easy to use, if not a default feature. Stalking As A Service is of course already a thing, and why should you watch someones house in the rain all night when you can let your Tesla do it for you?