Lennox. Ten years of property boom in the rich south. Lots of losers, lots of tough cases for Crown Prosecutor Cassidy. Then the mysterious McRae arrives with the first pieces in a jigsaw of murder and corruption that takes over their lives
Vicky Elliott. Nobody's talking about fraud any more - they're too frightened, or missing. But someone's still making lots of illegal money. Cass and McRae look for the source of the cash, and find a young student who learns fast, but not fast enough
Miss Brinkwell. Vicky is dead, the investigation blocked. McRae tries a new tack, and Cass finds proof of yet another property fraud. But can McRae protect the witness, and from whom?
David Lynton. Four witnesses murdered. Can Cass and McRae break the chain of violence and corruption? The last pieces of the jigsaw fall into place, revealing even bigger crimes.