In the midst of desperation, Cestvs takes a chance on a one-in-a-million punch. His punch is effective, and he achieves victory over Emden. The mob calls for Emden's death, but Sabina convinces them to settle down. She then tells Emden that this is goodbye. The victor secures his survival only once he has shattered the hope of his opponent with his own fists... The victory weighs heavily on Cestvs. Meanwhile, Zafar finds it odd that both Emden's special technique and the technique he taught Cestvs have the same goal as well as name and goes to visit Emden. What truth will be revealed there?
Cestvs se prepara para dar o golpe final em Emden. Mas será que o golpe será suficiente para derrotá-lo? Ao longo do duelo, Zafar percebe que o ataque de Emden tem uma semelhança muito grande com o que ensinou para Cestvs e busca respostas.
Cestvs se prepara para dar o golpe final em Emden. Mas será que o golpe será suficiente para derrotá-lo? Ao longo do duelo, Zafar percebe que o ataque de Emden tem uma semelhança muito grande com o que ensinou para Cestvs e busca respostas.
Le combat entre Emden et Cestus arrive enfin à sa conclusion. L'heure est désormais à la rétrospection de chacun, aussi bien pour le vainqueur que le vaincu. C'est alors qu'une étonnante révélation fait surface, concernant le passé d'Emden.
Im Kampf gegen Emden hat Cestus schweres Spiel. Deutlich unterlegen hat er nur noch eine Chance: Die neue Technik, die ihm sein Meister gelehrt hat.
يتمكن سيستس من النهوض بعد ضربة إيمدن القاطعة، ويسعى لتنفيذ التقنية التي علّمه إيّاها معلمه لإنهاء النزال. يلتقي ظفر بإيمدن لاحقاً لسؤاله عن شيء، وُيسدل ستار الختام على البطولة