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Season 1

  • S01E01 CapriCast 1.00 – The Pilot DVD

    • January 20, 2010

    It is upon us. It’s taken almost a year, but the Direct-To-DVD release of Caprica has finally given way to the airing of it as parts 1 and 2 on SyFy as a regular season of television! We’ve got to say that with the Blood, Boobies and Human Sacrifice that we’ve been privy to seeing so far, it looks like Ron Moore managed to skirt the TV-Gods and Censors quite elegantly by releasing in on DVD first, but what did YOU think of the televised version? There have been quite a few times in his podcasts that he mentioned how the TV version of a Battlestar Episode wasn’t quite his ideal cut (for either time or network restrictions) but with Caprica available for first viewing as an unspoiled DVD version, we’ve already seen what Ron wants us to see… so we’re excited to get the regular reason underway! Battlestar is over, long live Caprica!

  • S01E02 CapriCast 1.02 – Rebirth

    • February 4, 2010

    After months of waiting, the story of Caprica finally moves forward with Zoe in her new Cylon body as the Graystone and Adama families try to cope with tragedy. This episode gives us lots to talk about from the new theme song and opening credit sequence to the concept of group marriages and little Willy’s life of crime. What did you think of the first steps in the series?

  • S01E03 CapriCast 1.03 – Reins of a Waterfall

    • February 5, 2010

    In the wake of Amanda’s announcement of Zoe’s involvement in the MAGLEV bombing, Caprica is ramping up momentum more and more with each episode… and with the addition of BSG’s Luciana Carro (Kat) and Christian Tessier (Duck) not to mention a few cameos from Stargate alumni, it feels like the Graystones and Adamas are in even more familiar surroundings already. We’ve got a two week break thanks to those pesky Olympics, so in lieu of a new Caprica episode, we hope you get a kick out of Capricast 103, as well as a jump on our new contest for the title sequence of our show!

  • S01E04 CapriCast 1.04 – Gravedancing

    • February 20, 2010

    The build up to Daniel’s appearance on Sarno finally comes to a head as the Adama’s close in on Amanda… some heavy stuff goes down in this episode, and with Graystone industries swearing off the profit of their consumer electronics division, it looks like selling some Cylons to the military just got a whole lot more urgent.

  • S01E05 CapriCast 1.05 – There is Another Sky

    • February 26, 2010

    With the Adama’s finally letting Tamara go in traditional Tauron funeral rites, her Avatar is tearing up V-World almost as well as Zoe is tearing up U-87 at her father’s request. This episode definitely got our heart rates up and brought some plot threads in that we had high hopes for! But did Tamara’s storyline deliver? Did Graystone have much else to do other than what we saw in the Sneak Peek? Let us know what YOU thought!

  • S01E06 CapriCast 1.06 – Know Thy Enemy

    • March 5, 2010

    The sins of the Caprica pilot seem to be catching up with Daniel as his industrial nemesis from Vergis corporation brings Adama’s theft and murder down on Graystone Industries. If that wasn’t enough, Spike himself, James Marsters, makes his debut on the series with this episode, and it’s anyone guess what direction that could take!

  • S01E07 CapriCast 1.07 – The Imperfections of Memory

    • March 12, 2010

    Amanda sees Head-Darius? Her old saying “All of this has happened before, and all of it will happen again”? Plus, Daniel finally suspects Zoe survived in U-87 and Joe gets into New Crap City! And what the frak was with that close-up on the graffiti?

  • S01E08 CapriCast 1.08 – Ghosts in the Machine

    • March 19, 2010

    With all the intense drama of Daniel and Joseph both getting closer to their daughters with guns and fire blazing, and Amanda losing her mind by inches, it suddenly occurs to us that nothing really happened in this episode! Plot-wise of course. Each characters resolve is being hardened for the mid-season finale next week, and man, did it ever make for some drama!

  • S01E09 CapriCast 1.09 – End of Line

    • March 26, 2010

    Spoiler Alert! With the amount of death and destruction wrought in this episode, it’s a wonder there are any pieces to pick up in September, but this mid-season finale has shaken every character to the core. Is Amanda dead? Is Zoe? It sure looks like Philomon is… and Joseph thinks Tamara is, too. And it’ll take a miracle for Graystone’s military contract to survive!

  • SPECIAL 0x1 CapriCast: Toronto Comic Con Panel

    • April 7, 2010

    On the eve of the first mid-season finale of Caprica, actresses Luciana Carro and Magda Apanowicz paid Toronto Comic Con a visit and treated us to a panel that gave us some insight into their experience making the show, and dropped some hints about what we can expect from the back-9 episodes of the season!

  • S01E10 Capricast 1.10 – Unvanquished

    • October 5, 2010

    After months of waiting, we were left pretty cold by the Season 1.5 Premiere of Caprica. Stoltz and Morales are on fire, with great story on their end, of course. But the heavy S.T.O. elements in this episode, weak CGI on Gemenon, and the introduction of the all-time most boring character and worst actress didn’t help a tick. Are we nuts? Or was this just disappointing after the massive wait?

  • S01E11 Capricast 1.11 – Retribution

    • October 13, 2010

    THIS is the episode that should have kicked-off Season 1.5! With some characters reaching the end of their arcs and others gaining new motivation and importance, “Retribution” is the way we would have liked to see Caprica come back from a half-year hiatus instead of “Unvanquished”!

  • S01E12 CapriCast 1.12 – Things We Lock Away

    • October 18, 2010

    We’ve had quite a weekend of shooting for a different project, so apologies for the tardiness of this CapriCast! We had mixed feelings about this episode because of how awesome the Vergis/Greystone storyline was, and how drawn out the Zoe/Tamera drama was. But, with the addition of our first official head-character, we’re seeing some long-desired connections to the BSG mythology. What did you think about Things We Lock Away?

  • S01E13 CapriCast 1.13 – False Labour

    • November 1, 2010

    Caprica has come to an unceremonious end, with SyFy hacking it off at the 13th episode. But our “final” CapriCast reviews one of the best episodes yet, AND comes with a look forward to what we can expect from the Galactiverse!

  • S01E14 CapriCast 1.14 – Blowback

    • November 3, 2010

    It goes without saying that SyFy cancelled the show at the wrong time. This episode connected so many dots, it’s a damned tragedy that in order to see them on-schedule, the nearly one-million Caprica fans have to resort to torrents or moving to Canada. Let’s keep the front page spoilers to a minimum, but the ‘cast as well as the comments are rife with them, so if you haven’t seen Blowback yet, don’t watch, and don’t read any further!

  • S01E15 CapriCast 1.15 – Dirt Eaters

    • November 9, 2010

    An episode nicknamed “Adama-rama” for good reason, we get to see how the Adamas became the men they are, and get to see the Graystones re-unite for a common goal as well. Unfortunately, the Avenging Angels/Death Walkers/Dead Walkers/Avatars still pretty much suck.

  • S01E16 CapriCast 1.16 – The Heavens Will Rise

    • November 17, 2010

    Yet another episode that did NOT disappoint. Directed by BSG’s Michael Nankin, The Heavens Will Rise managed to deliver an amazing story on both Gemenon with Lacy Odin & the U-87s as well as on Caprica with the Graystones and Adamas… but Zoe and Tamera’s NEW New Cap City is still the weakest link. Unless you want to count the Blessed Mother Frakker. Which we’d rather not.

  • S01E17 CapriCast 1.17 – Here Be Dragons

    • November 24, 2010

    An episode of reunion and separation, the Graystone family finally got their child back, but did the Adamas lose one of their own? Afterall, Michael Nankin IS the director you call in when you need a character killed in the Galactiverse… And now that Lacy has a deadly Cylontourage behind her, what will she do next? We’ve only got one more hour of Caprica left until it’s all over but the crying…

  • S01E18 CapriCast 1.18 – Apotheosis

    So it’s come to this. Caprica’s season-turned-series-finale. Will it answer any of the unresolved questions? Or will it only offer a cliffhanger, never to be continued? Or will SyFy yet see the light and could heavy ratings for the January Caprica marathon bring us a TV-movie to cap off Caprica? Who knows? Let’s just hope nobody shoots Adama in the chest at the end of THIS first season.