Mehmet'in, annesinin ölümü üzerine kendisinden uzaklaşan kızı Doğa ile yeniden bağ kurma çabası, yıllardır saklanan sırları da ortaya çıkaracaktır. Celal'in gizlediği bir ilişki tüm dengeleri sarsarken, Celal'in eşi Handan ise bu çözülmenin farkında olmadan ailesini bir arada tutmak için çabalayacak.
After his wife's death, Mehmet, a successful lawyer, begins to face challenges with his daughter, Doğa. Holding her father responsible for her mother's death, Doğa, fueled by the turbulence of adolescence, subjects him to intense emotional strain. The tension between them peaks when Doğa attempts suicide. Meanwhile, the seemingly perfect marriage of Handan and Celal suffers a major blow on their 25th wedding anniversary. A seed of doubt is planted in Handan's mind, making her suspect that her husband might be unfaithful. Despite her attempts to dismiss this suspicion, a phone call confirming her fears marks the beginning of the end for her. Mehmet, desperate to save his daughter from her suicidal path, and Handan, heading to confront her husband at a hotel, cross paths in a cruel twist of fate.
من بطولة بولنت اينال و ايبرو اوزكان، بدور سركان و هاندان اللذان ستبدأ قصتهما بسبب سوء فهم.. وسيحكي قصة درامية عائلية قوية.
Mehmet, un avocat, renoue avec sa fille séparée Doga après la mort de sa mère. Des secrets enfouis font surface, menaçant leur vie alors que l'affaire de Celal brise la famille. Sa femme Handan se bat pour les garder ensemble.