CID: Special Bureau was a sub-series of CID that aired on Sony Entertainment Television and Sony Entertainment Television Asia, produced by Fireworks Productions. The series was premiered on 3 January 2005, which was aired bi-weekly on every Monday and Tuesday at 10:30 PM for half an hour. CID: Special Bureau cases were split across two episodes with the exception of several multi-part cases and crossovers with CID in 2005. Initially each case was spread across two episodes, just like CID. There were 3 exceptions: "Bone Marrow" (6 parts), "Mystery of the Black Hole" (6 parts) and "Mystery of the Smiling Cat" (4 parts). The show then aired 4 days a week on every Monday-Thursday, from 29 August 2005, each case spawning across 4 episodes. The running time of an episode was approximately 20–22 minutes. The series was ended on 2 March 2006. There was a complete of 168 episodes according to Sony TV. Repeat episodes were aired until 27 April 2006