---Spoilers for the entirety of Death Note's Anime--- This is my designated Halloween video for the year... Happy Halloween? Although I've never really mentioned it in writing, I've always had a mindset making Halloween and April Fools videos every year: Making something "Weird or different", April Fools being something goofy, Halloween being something "Spoopy*"... With a very very bold asterisk. This Halloween, as I'd recently rewatched Death Note, I had the idea to make the above video, as it's about "Death", so, spoopy, haha. A loose connection, but a connection nonetheless... That being said, I really enjoyed making it, and, rather notably, it's a reusable format, I think it'd be fun to make more "But Really Really Fast" videos in the future. If anybody reading this has any suggestions I'd like to hear them down below, I've got my own personal ideas I'll want to work towards too.
a story about two punchy boys
a story about a punchy boy's grandson and then some, also he has a gun
STARDATE PLAY BUTTON IMAGE I HEARD SOME WORDS BUT UNSURE IF MANY WERE UNDERSTOOD CAPTIONS MAY BE RECOMMENDED Special thanks to Minty Meeo, who assisted me with fetching ship-part reference images for the creation of this video
a story about a punchy boy and his punchy boy, and that punchy boy's grandfather, and that punchy boy's half-grandfather punchy boy's punchy boy, and also that punchy boy
... ... ... ... ...death... ... ...n...ote
sid's in therapy now
Looking for Josuke
a story about the son of the punchy boy, yes that one but no not actually that one, he's got the head of the other punchy boy, the punchy boy the punchy boy's grandson's grandson fought, or at least he did before that punchy boy punched it off. he likes snakes a lot
Something a little different to fill in the gap between uploads and to celebrate the holidays: A behind the scenes look at Phantom Blood But Really Really Fast! Also (secretly) a bit of an update video too, since I haven't updated my YouTube audience in a good long while. Stick around to the end for that on top of my project schedule!