How does Chester A. Bum like Harry's magical conclusion?
The All American Hero meets the All American Bum!
Bloopers from the Bum Reviews - Family Guy Response episode.
Why is that Pineapple Express kid a wizard?
That man doesn't look like an iron!
How can it be so dark with all those lens flares?
SOMEBODY is not happy..
Who's that long nosed guy in the Minions movie?
Space sucks!
It's Hunger Games IN SPACE!
Need more Loki...
They look pretty buff to be starving.
So what? My Lego pieces talk to me all the time!
It's time for spoilers, YAAAAAAAAY!
Nothing's worse than "KINDA NAZIS!"
Who says need much Godzilla in a Godzilla movie?
X marks the pot!
Is she a good witch or a bad witch?
How come this couldn't be "How to Chase the Dragon?"
I'm so happy somebody else sees a talking racoon!
Who knew you could master ninjutsu just by reading a book?
So we DIDN'T go to the moon?
Chester sees who was mocking who in Mockingjay Part 1
The safe word is "Change!" The Bum reviews 2015's Fifty Shades of Grey.
Ultron sounds like that guy from Blacklist!
The Bum is back to review the final Hunger Games. Hey, where has he been this summer?
What kind of character just looks into the camera making jokes all the time? Oh wait... Chester reviews 2016's Deadpool.
The turtles are back and Chester is here to see if they're as trippy as he remembers them. Chester reviews Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - Out of the Shadows.