세 번째 게임판 '요술램프'. 그런데 소원을 이뤄주는 진짜 요술램프는 단 3개뿐...! 찐 요술램프를 찾기 위한 뱅커X브로 단체여행. 드레스 코드는 아라비안 속 캐릭터? 권모술수가 난무하는 우당탕탕 요.술.램.프.쟁.탈.전!
The Bros start a new day with another round of games. They are each tasked with acquiring lamps, but it seems like there are fake ones in the batch. The Bros are also designated specific jobs, along with a solo mission to carry out. Who will be able to get the real lamps? Who will finish their missions for victory?