Ar ôl cyffesu i'w haffêr gyda Richard a gadael Mart a'r cartref teuluol, mae Ellie yn derbyn tecst oddi wrth rhif anhysbys - llun ohoni hi ac Ems yn cusanu. Fe wyr nad yw'r gêm ar ben o bell ffordd a bydd yn rhaid iddi frwydro'n arw cyn iddi golli popeth - ond beth mwy y mae Richard eisiau ganddi'
After confessing to her affair with Richard and leaving Mart and their family home, Ellie receives a message from an unknown number - it's a picture of her and Ems kissing. She knows that the game is far from over and if she's not going to lose everything she's going to have to fight back and fast - but what more could Richard possibly want from her'