Dechreua Ellie weld yr effaith mae ei bywyd cudd yn ei gael ar ei theulu. Synhwyra bod Menna yn teimlo'r newid ynddi. Gyda'i heuogrwydd fel bom ar fin ffrwydro, gwnaiff Ellie ei gorau glas i unioni pethau. Ond cael ei dal allan yw'r lleiaf o'i gofidiau wrth i feddyliau ymwthiol darfu ar ei meddwl - gweledigaethau sy'n aflonyddu a gwyrdroi realiti ac yn peri iddi gwestiynu ei hiawn phwyll.
Ellie soon realises the affect her secret life is having on her family. Menna can sense that things aren't right and Ellie knows it too well. With her guilt now like a ticking time bomb, she tries her best to make amends, but being 'caught out' is the least of her worries as intrusive thoughts begin to bombard her mind. Visions that disrupt and distort reality make her question her own sanity.