Mae gan Ellie Bateman, yn ôl pob golwg , y bywyd perffaith ' gyrfa llwyddiannus, gwr cariadus, merch fach annwyl yn ogystal â grwp agos o ffrindiau sy'n meddwl y byd iddi. Pan fydd drasedi annisgwyl yn dryllio eu bywydau i ddarnau, mae Ellie'n gwbod taw yr unig ffordd i oroesi yw i ddianc. A ddaw hi byth nôl-neu a wnaiff ddewis colli ei hun mewn storm berffaith sy allan o'i reolaeth'
Successful career woman Ellie Bateman, seemingly has the perfect life - a loving husband, a beautiful daughter, and a close knit group of friends who mean the world to her. When an unforeseeable tragedy shatters their lives to pieces, Ellie knows that the only way she'll survive is to run. Will she ever find her way back - or will she choose to lose herself in a perfect storm beyond her control'