카그라스증후군에 걸려 아내와 바람이 난 남자가 사람을 죽였다며 자수를 한다. 갑자기 전환 장애 증상을 보이는 남자의 아내. 둘 중 살인 사건의 범인은 누구일까? 한편, 명세에 대한 복수를 단념한 하루는 신경과학팀을 떠나겠다고 선언한다.
The same man who is suffering from Capgras syndrome stands in front of Myung-se and Ha-ru, confessing that he has just committed murder. At the same time, his wife begins to show symptoms of conversion disorder. One of the two must be the murderer, but pinpointing the killer doesn’t seem so easy. Later, Ha-ru announces that he will be leaving the Neuroscientific Investigation Team.