This episode was hugely delayed because my SSD died on it’s arse and then when I got a replacement, I was moving house. The Kingston brands are supposed to last about five years, this killed itself after two and a half, must have been all that shitty wrestling. So the special thing for the 350th episode is this getting made. If you’ve sent me something like an ending or a clip, don’t worry about it not being in THIS episode. This one is held together with duct tape and prayer (and that’s just the hard drive). Because of the huge delay, obvious things like IWA-MS Elbow Guy and AAA TripleMania are clearly absent because of the fifteen minute time limit. So they’ll be in the next vid, honest. Especially considering IWA-MS Elbow Guy sent in a video assuring people he wasn’t dead. Summerslam 2017 was a hell of a slog but the main event, Usos vs. New Day and Cesaro & Sheamus vs. Not The Shield were worth watching. But whatever your feelings were, we got a new EVERYONE TALKS TOO MUCH intro from Braun so hooray! Best Summerslam since 1992. TREE FIDDY was mandatory. ”Evacuated” is from the first episode of The Wire Season Five. Because of relentless re-watching, I will never forget the correct way to use that term. The music from the botch bit is from the cool Mega Drive tribute called Duck Game. I love it (but don’t play random people online, it’s worse than COD.) Catchphrase was a popular game show in the 90s in the UK. I don’t apologise to the Americans who want to see Bob Barker or something, the rest of the world put up with The Ball Family, you can put up with UK stuff. ”I got that line fucking wrong” is from Bottom, another UK classic from the 90s. The Brain On Drugs advert is older than 90% of the viewers but I think it still works. I actually didn’t think Enzo’s version of Eat The Feet (or Eat Defeat, whichever one it is) was that bad because I’m so used to seeing Enzo’s unique style of wrestling. I was