As Boruto and the others ready their plan, they learn that one enemy unit is heading to the village ahead of the rest. Since they haven’t finished making preparations, the village will be in danger, so they hurry to evacuate everyone. Kagura worries that they won’t have enough people to fight. Just in case, he releases the curse placed on Buntan, Hebiichigo, and Kyoho, temporarily setting them free. Hesitantly, they agree to fight alongside Kagura and Boruto.
Junto de Kagura, Boruto e seus amigos precisam encontrar uma solução para proteger o vilarejo antes que o esquadrão de elite dos Funato chegue e ataque...
Junto de Kagura, Boruto e seus amigos precisam encontrar uma solução para proteger o vilarejo antes que o esquadrão de elite dos Funato chegue e ataque...
Boruto und seine Kameraden bereiten alles für die Verteidigung des Dorfes vor. Nachdem Funamushi herausfindet, dass die Brücken zerstört wurden, schickt er einen Spähtrupp, der die Lage auskundschaften soll.
Funamushi, le chef de l’unité d’élite, ordonne à ses éclaireurs d’inspecter le village dans lequel Boruto et ses camarades se sont installés. Kagura imagine alors un plan pour protéger les habitants.
Los Funato se acercan a la aldea donde Kagura, Boruto y el resto los esperan, pero una avanzadilla pone en peligro el plan. Mientras, Hebiichigo sigue desconfiando de las palabras de Kagura de que los dejarán libres a cambio de su ayuda.