Documentary profiling notorious serial killers, beginning with Peter Tobin, who hid the remains of one victim under the floorboards in a Glasgow church in 2006.
The case of Altemio Sanchez. The apparently `perfect neighbour', pillar of the community and churchgoer targeted Buffalo, New York during a campaign of rape and murder that spanned three decades, killing three women.
Stephen Griffiths, dubbed the `Crossbow Cannibal', who murdered three people with each being horrifically dismembered and mutilated in his flat in Bradford, West Yorkshire.
The story of 14-year-old misfit Graham Young, committed to Broadmoor in 1962 after poisoning his stepmother and attempting to kill his father, sister and friend.
Joanna Dennehy, who lured two of her three male victims to their death with the promise of sex, and whose spree ended with two knife attacks in broad daylight.