Today Steve Brown reveals how plastic rubbish found on beaches is being turned into kayaks that clean up our seas. Gillian Burke goes oyster fishing in Cornwall and Chris Packham meets author Philip Hoare who thinks we should all take a daily dip in the sea.
Gillian Burke finds out how our marine industries are stressing sea creatures, Steve Brown uncovers the historic secrets of seabirds in Yorkshire and Chris Packham meets a retired couple who are contributing to shark science.
Today the programme comes from Kent where Steve Brown makes a jaw-dropping discovery of shark teeth on the beach. And never mind icebergs – the UK has some of the biggest fatbergs in the world! But how bad are they for the arteries of our seas? Plus the programme soars high over Mull with Sea eagles and Chris Packham meets a photographer who believes the UK has the best marine life in the world.
'It all comes out in the wash!' – Steve Brown finds out how washing our clothes is harming our marine life. Gillian Burke will look at why the fish and chips supper has changed over the years and which species of lobster is making a comeback. Plus Chris Packham finds out why one man is fascinated by 'the Christmas Tree fish of the sea.
In the final programme looking at the UK's Blue Planet, Gillian Burke investigates whether being a brave crab is a disastrous strategy and Steve Brown will be finding out if herring - the 'silver darlings of the sea' - are making a comeback this year. One man shares his passion for sea horses. Plus the programme will explore the lesser-known British coral reefs and a reflection on life as a lighthouse keeper.