Shiemi cheers up after Rin suddenly appears before her. After hearing Shiemi's voice, Rin regains consciousness and heads back to the past to see the events all the way through. In the past, Satan's possessed body progressively deteriorates, beginning to break down and go out of control. The Blue Night begins at last. As powerful clergy around the world are engulfed in blue flames one after another, the Myodha Sect in Kyoto, the Three Sages in the Vatican, Shiro and the Knights in the Japan Branch struggle against the dire situation.
Alors que Yuri Egin a donné naissance à son premier jumeau, Satan cherche désespérément un nouveau corps.
Yuri deu a luz ao primeiro filho, que está descontrolado. Satã busca por Yuri.
Ha inizio la Notte Blu. Mentre il primo neonato scaglia le sue fiamme blu contro i presenti e Yuri lotta per far nascere il secondo bambino...
Rin revive los catastróficos eventos de la Noche Azul, en la que las llamas azules de Satán acabaron con la vida de muchos exorcistas.