Yuri heads to Satan, who has holed himself up in Section 13. Satan accepts Yuri and chooses to live with her. To live together, he decides to abandon Section 13, informing his followers of his withdrawal. As Yuri prepares for their escape, she reunites with Jenny, who is working in Section 13. Upon learning about Satan and Yuri's plan to escape, Jenny plots to free the test subject children at the facility, but...
Yuri tenta fugir com Satã, mas não consegue. Em seguida ela descobre que está grávida.
Yuri a décidé de rester auprès de Satan qui perd petit à petit son corps. Shirô est à mille lieues d'imaginer le résultat de cette idylle.
Yuri quiere mantener su promesa y para ello le propone a Satán que escapen juntos. La Orden, sin embargo, no tolerará lo que conllevaría perderlos.
Yuri e Satana scappano dall'Asylum, ma vengono presto catturati. Al loro ritorno, scoprono che Yuri è incinta...