The artificial Gehenna Gate has completely opened, throwing the material world of Assiah into utter chaos as many humans have now begun to see demons. Amid everything, Yukio leaves the Knights of the True Cross and heads for the Illuminati. Rin decides that he must learn the secret of their birth. He embarks on a journey 40 years into the past with Mephisto's guidance. Rin witnesses the fated meeting between two individuals – an orphan who lives in an abandoned factory named Yuri, and a test subject from Section 13 named Shiro.
Rin volta para o passado e começa a acompanhar o passado de sua mãe, Yuri Egin. Em meio a isso, ele descobre como ela conheceu seu pai adotivo, Shiro.
Suite au départ de Yukio chez Illuminati, torturé par son passé, Rin se rapproche de Méphisto pour comprendre ses origines. Le voilà propulsé dans le passé où il observe Yuri, une jeune enfant sans-abri.
Rin atravesa la puerta que lo lleva donde quiere ir, al pasado. Allí verá a su madre, Yuri, de muy pequeña, viviendo en la pobreza.
Von Mephisto in die Vergangenheit zurückversetzt, beobachtet Rin, wie sich seine Mutter Yuri als Kind mit einem mysteriösen Flammenwesen anfreundet. Und wie sie später Bekanntschaft mit einem mürrischen, etwas älteren Jungen macht …
Rin, dopo l'addio di Yukio, decide che deve scoprire il segreto della loro nascita. Si imbarca in un viaggio di 40 anni nel passato con l'aiuto di Mefisto.