Blue Angels - A Year in the Life

Henninger Productions presents Blue Angels: A Year In The Life, a four part series that follows the lives of the Navy’s elite flight demonstration team, from starting as "newbies," to the end of the air show season, all shot in High Definition video. Each year as new pilots are selected, they must endure a long and arduous process of training, studying, and team building, taking pilots to their physical and mental limits. But it is all worth it the day they are "crested" and recite the Angels’ creed, knowing soon they will take off to perform the most extreme and exhilarating air performance in the world. Each episode follows the team as it prepares for its upcoming Summer 2004 season. We watch as nervous new applicants wait to hear whether they have made the team, and see the heartbreak of those who did not. We jump into the cockpit with the team as they spend the winter constantly practicing the awe-inspiring tricks that will dazzle audiences. And we follow them through show season and witness the aerobatic stunts they have worked so long and hard to perfect, ending the series as the new batch of recruits join the team.

  • Series ID 147351
  • Status Ended
  • Genres Documentary
  • Original Language English
  • On Other Sites IMDB
  • Episode Screenshot Format 16:9 Screencap
  • Favorited This series has been favorited by 3 people.
  • Created March 8, 2010 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified March 8, 2010 by
    Administrator admin
Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Specials 0
Season 1 4
Unassigned Episodes 0
Season From To Episodes
Unassigned Episodes 4
Absolute ordering places all episodes in a single ordered season. This is generally used for anime.
Season From To Episodes
Season 1 0
Unassigned Episodes 4

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Name Number of Episodes Dates
Brian J. Kelly 4
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Nathan Antila 4

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