Julia kehrt in ihre Wohnung in New York zurück. Während sie Saya und die anderen über Divas Situation unterrichtet, stattet ihr Lulu einen Besuch ab.
Julia, Kai, Lewis, and Saya discuss Diva's pregnancy and David's slow recovery. Lulu comes to visit Saya again. Julia tells them what she learned about the Schiff experiment and the Corpse Corp and that they could suppress the Thorn in the Schiff with Diva's blood. Kai takes Moses a shipment of blood, as part of their agreement that the Schiff won't attack humans if the Red Shield supplies them with blood. When Lulu returns home, Karman forbids her from seeing Saya and the others because they are too different from the humans. Moses enter and Karman yells at him too. As they argue, Moses and Lulu discover that Karman has been inflicted with the Thorn. Karman runs out, unknowingly passing James. As the sun rises, Lulu asks Kai and Saya to help her find Karman. Karman goes to a hospital and attacks a nurse, but then sees a vision of Irene and the other Schiff who've died. Realizing they are still alive in his heart, he leaves the woman alone. That night, James goes to see Moses, revealing that much of his body is now that of the Schiff and that he was rescued before Saya's blood could completely destroy him. He offers to help the Schiff try to cure the Thorn, just as Kai had. Moses finds Karman on the roof with his hood down so he can die in the rising sun, but Moses stops him and promises to save him.
Assis dans leur salon à écouter Julia, Saya et son entourage voient débarquer Lulu. Les Sif sont à New York mais des dissensions sont apparues : Karman, sentant la fin approcher pour lui, n'a pas le moral et reproche leurs comportement aux deux autres.
Cependant, Julia a découvert lors de ses recherches qu'il était possible de stopper le développement des souns.
Julia volta com os restantes da Red Shield para o apartamento deles em Nova York.
El Escudo Rojo se prepara para la batalla mientras Kai suministra con sangre empaquetada a los Schiff, que han ido a Nuevo York también. No obstante, Karman ha desarrollado los estigmas y se va de su guarida, ya que no confía en los humanos. Lulu pide ayuda a Saya y los demás para que le busquen. Moses entretanto se encuentra con James, que sobrevivió a la batalla en isla Cristina, donde descubre que sus partes destruidas han sido reemplazadas por partes de Schiff.