Die Zeit der Wahrheit ist gekommen. Saya erfährt, wer sie wirklich ist und wer die Drahtzieher hinter den vergangenen Geschehnissen sind.
Kanako, Nene and Nono, along with Shinichirō who also appears, reveal themselves to be part of a 'main cast', playing roles for the purpose of making Saya remember who she is in order to be rewarded with their own desires. As they force Saya to drink Furukimono blood, which she had allegedly been drinking whenever she became passed out, they reveal she is linked to Shrovetide, a period in time where demons are given permission to eat humans. As Saya starts to remember things as a result of drinking the blood, a Furukimono appears and the group are confronted by Itsuki, Yūka and Fumito, who question their motives for disobeying the project.
34番:誰をかも知る人にせむ高砂の 松も昔の友ならなくに(藤原興風)
Kanako, Shinichiro, y Nene y Nono se revelan como parte de un "reparto principal" que rodea a Saya, desempeñando papeles destinados a despertar recuerdos de Saya por sus propias razones. Todos los miembros del elenco "principal" que murieron están todavía vivos, mientras que los extras fungibles son realmente muerto.