은기는 유나가 남긴 다잉 메시지를 보고 그 사람이 범인일지 모른다는 불길한 예감에 휩싸인다. 성준 역시 다른 곳에서 같은 사람이 범인이라는 단서를 찾는다.
Sung-hoon recovers in the hospital after getting stabbed by the culprit. Sung-jun confronts Chief Yeom about Hope Welfare Center and gets told to find out from his mother, Minister Na Guk-hee. Meanwhile, Eun-ki sees Yu-na's dying message and hopes it isn't the person she thinks it is. Later Sung-jun finds evidence that it's the same person at a different location.
Jo Eun-ki ahnt, dass die Person, die Yu-na in ihrer Todesnachricht erwähnt hatte, der Mörder sein könnte, und informiert Ryu Sung-joon über ihren Verdacht. Sung-joon findet ebenfalls Hinweise, die auf dieselbe Person hindeuten.