Ichigo continues his training with Jackie Tristan. While at first Jackie overwhelms him with her more experienced powers, Ichigo is able to activate a power of Fullbring known as Bringer Light to gain the advantage. As they go on with the battle, Ichigo's powers go out of control, but insist that he can still fight despite Jackie's insistance that they stop. It is then that Tsukishima attacks Xcution wanting to kill Ichigo, but Ichigo uses his powers to break the fish tank and reveals the next stage of his Fullbring.
Ichigo continue sa formation avec Jackie Tristan. Jackie domine le combat mais, Ichigo parvient à activer son Fullbring pour reprendre l'avantage. Jackie met Ichigo en garde contre son nouveau pouvoir et son manque de contrôle mais Ichigo insiste pour poursuivre l'entrainement. C'est alors que Tsukishima attaque Xcution et Ichigo...
Ichigo affronta Jackie che sfodera il proprio Fullbring: Dirty Boots. La sua tecnica la fa diventare più forte man mano che i suoi stivali si sporcano. Ma proprio quando sembra non avere via di scampo, con una mossa a sorpresa Ichigo riesce ad atterrare l'avversaria. Ma quando il Fullbring di Ichigo va fuori controllo e diventa pericoloso continuare l'allenamento improvvisamente alla Xcution fa irruzione Tsukishima.
Ichigo comienza su entrenamiento con Jackie Tristan, que saca a la luz su poder "Dirty Boots". Poco a poco Ichigo va evitando los ataques de Jackie y comprendiendo su propio Fullbring.