At the Urahara Shop, Ichigo, Uryū, Sado are sitting at a table silently, as Orihime assesses the condition of Nozomi Kujō. She stirs in her sleep, much to Orihime's surprise, as Uryū informs her of her whereabouts. He reassures her, stating that they are in a safe location. As Nozomi attempts to get up, Orihime tells her not to over-exert herself, as Kon appears, asking if she is alright.
Il gruppo tenta di risollevare il morale di Nozomi organizzando una grigliata in suo onore all’Emporio Urahara, ma la ragazza se ne va. Kon va a cercarla, ma incontra inavvertitamente il Reigai di Rangiku che lo inganna e rapisce Nozomi.
Los trece escuadrones que atacaron a Ichigo y Rukia en la Sociedad de Almas resultaron ser unos impostores conocidos como Reigai, que han sustituido a los originales. Gracias al trabajo de Mayuri, los tenientes y capitanes reales son rescatados y se reunen en el mundo de los vivos para tratar con la nueva crisis.