With her show in trouble, Nancy Blansky hires ace biker Pinky Tuscadero to jump her bike over 20 showgirls.
Nancy makes a valiant attempt to create a semblance of normal home life when juvenile authorities investigate to find out whether her nephew, Anthony, is growing up in a proper environment.
Nancy becomes a detective when the girls' valuables vanish from their dressing room.
Nancy threatens to quit her hotel job staging Las Vegas extravaganzas when she is ordered to have her showgirls perform topless.
Nancy charges to the rescue when a much married, millionaire sheik becomes romantically involved with Bambi.
When even his Aunt Nancy agrees that Bambi should settle down with a strong man, love-smitten Anthony proposes marriage to her.
Nancy concocts a desperate ploy to prevent Sunshine's mother from whisking her home to Wichita.
When Nancy's little nephew Joey DeLuca becomes doubtful about having left Milwaukee to achieve stardom in Las Vegas, Nancy, trying to encourage him, reminisces about Laverne, another Milwaukee dancer who was faced with a similar decison 10 years earlier.
When Arkansas's dad comes to visit his daughter in Las Vegas, he develops a serious case of gambling fever. only Nancy can save the day and Arkansas's life savings.
Nancy accepts a new position at a plush hotel, but soon finds the job dull and longs for the disorganized hubbub of the gang at the Oasis.
Nancy becomes concerned when Bambi falls in love with a socially prominent young lawyer.
Enroute home from Los Angeles, Nancy's car runs out of gas, so she must make a desperate effort to arrive in Las Vegas in time for Joey's (Eddie Mecca) song and dance debut.
Nancy mistakenly anticipates rest and relaxation when she is hospitalized for a fracture following a softball game accident.