Ebenezer Černá zmije vlastní obchod s kníry a všemi je zneužíván pro svou dobrotu. Na Vánoce se s Baldrickem schází u štědrovečerní večeře, ale jsou neustále vyrušováni známými a příbuznými, kteří stále něco chtějí. Mezitím se rozhodne královna Viktorie s princem Albertem tradičně obdarovat štědré lidi. Když se dozvědí o Ebenezerovi a jeho dobrotě, jdou si ho vyzkoušet.
Dies ist eine Persiflage auf Charles Dickens klassische Weihnachtsgeschichte A Christmas Carol. Die Hauptrolle nimmt „Ebenezer Blackadder“ ein. Dieser ist ein herzensguter Mensch, der von seiner Umwelt ständig ausgebeutet wird, bis ihm der Geist der Weihnacht zeigt, wie bösartig seine Vorfahren im Vergleich zu ihm waren. Ebenezer zieht seine eigenen Schlüsse daraus und wandelt sich in einen typischen Vertreter der Familie Blackadder, das heißt: gefühlskalt, habgierig und zynisch.
In the late 1800s, a kind and generous Ebenezer Blackadder is visited the Ghost of Christmas Past, who shows him visions of his ancestors, and the future of the Blackadders if he does not follow the family tradition.
The second special was broadcast on Friday 23 December 1988. In a twist on Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Blackadder is the "kindest and loveliest" man in England. The Spirit of Christmas shows Blackadder the contrary antics of his ancestors and descendants, and reluctantly informs him that if he turns evil his descendants will enjoy power and fortune, while if he remains the same a future Blackadder will live shamefully subjugated to a future incompetent Baldrick. This remarkable encounter causes him to proclaim, "Bad guys have all the fun", and adopt the personality with which viewers are more familiar.
It is Christmas Eve, and the kindest man in England, Ebenezer Blackadder,
has just given away his last penny - literally. An appearance by the Spirit of Christmas educates the kindly gent of his ancestors' lives,
and of his own future prospects. Ebenezer decides that a few changes need to be made...
Den 45 minutter lange spesialepisoden er en parodi på Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol.
Ebenezer Blackadder (Rowan Atkinson) recibe, en la noche de navidad, visitas fantasmales de sus ancestros y descendientes. Especial televisivo de la serie británica Blackadder.
O conto clássico de bondade, verdade e virtude de Dickens é totalmente adulterado e devastado pela intromissão de um elemento da família Blackadder. E também de Baldrick, o homem em quem podemos confiar para transformar a ceia de Natal em comida para cão, desde que o cão não seja muito esquisito, é claro.