Claude ist es gelungen, Ciel in seine Hände zu bekommen. Er hat Alois umgebracht und dessen Seele in einen Ring eingeschlossen. Durch eine Seelenwandlung konnte er Ciels Erinnerungen überschreiben. Sebastian ist außer sich...
Due to an order given to him in the last episode, Sebastian Michaelis is forced to watch the Trancy estate from the woods surrounding the mansion. He becomes increasingly perturbed as Claude basks in many of Ciel's favorable qualities. In the manor, Claude follows Ciel's every order to please him, but he only succeeds in annoying him. Claude attempts to convince Ciel to break his contract with Sebastian and forge a new one with him as his servant, but Ciel quickly refuses. Claude encounters Sebastian outside the manor, and reminds him that per his master's order, he cannot be seen by Ciel. Sebastian sees Grell and persuades him to help gather information about Luca and the village he and his demon destroyed, Arachnophile. There, an ex-prostitute informs them of the carnage she witnessed at the hands of Luca - only she was spared due to the kindness she showed him. Before she can explain further, she is killed by the triplet servants, who immediately engage Sebastian in combat. Sebastian easily defeats them and binds them upside-down to a tree, and Grell finishes them off with his death scythe. As Grell slices into the three, their cinematic record plays, showing they were present during the great fire that destroyed Arachnophile. The record also shows Ciel helping Hannah stand after he accidentally hit her with his cane, which aggravates Sebastian to the point that he sprints back to the Trancy estate, leaving Grell to follow him. Back at the mansion, Ciel has broken a mirror, under the impression he saw Alois's reflection. At first, Claude assigns Hannah to clean up the mess while Claude returns Ciel to his room, but Ciel then orders Claude to clean the mess in Hannah's place. In his bedchamber, Ciel laments to Hannah that he wishes to return to his own mansion. As he notes the "mysterious" color of Hannah's remaining eye, she abruptly tells him to look into her mouth, which opens to reveal a gaping abyss. Within, Alois's eye squirms and stares back. Ciel cannot on
Sebastian doit trouver un moyen de récupérer l'âme de Ciel sans passer outre les ordres de son jeune maître lors d'une mission périlleuse qui demande toutes ses forces.
Сиэль, тело которого делят и он, и Алоис, живет в поместье Транси. Себастьян, которому приказано не появляться на глаза Сиэлю, заручился поддежкой старого знакомого, жнеца Грелля, и отправился в родную деревню Алоиса, чтобы больше узнать о контракте Луки с неким демоном. Узнав все, частично от выжившей женщины, частично с пленки жизни Тройняшек, он возвращается и начинает сражение с Клодом. Неожиданно его зовет Сиэль, а значит он нарушил приказ. Клод злорадствует, только вот зовет Себастьяна не Сиэль, а Алоис, захвативший его тело.
Debido a una orden que se le dio en el último episodio, Sebastian Michaelis se ve obligado a observar la propiedad Trancy desde los bosques que rodean la mansión. Se perturba cada vez más cuando Claude disfruta de muchas de las cualidades favorables de Ciel. En la mansión, Claude sigue todas las órdenes de Ciel para complacerlo, pero solo logra molestarlo. Claude intenta convencer a Ciel de romper su contrato con Sebastian y forjar uno nuevo con él como su sirviente, pero Ciel se niega rápidamente. Claude se encuentra con Sebastian fuera de la mansión y le recuerda que, por orden de su maestro, Ciel no puede verlo. Sebastian ve a Grell y lo persuade para que lo ayude a recopilar información sobre Luca y la aldea que él y su demonio destruyeron, Arachnophile. Allí, una ex prostituta les informa de la carnicería que presenció a manos de Luca, solo que ella se salvó debido a la amabilidad que le mostró.