The Galaxy Trio receives an urgent S.O.S. from Meteor Man's home planet Meteorus, where the deadly Moltens are causing volcanic eruptions, planning to cover the planet in a blanket of lava
Nitron, a former scientist changed by an accident involving nitro-hydrogen, tries to join F.E.A.R. (and take charge) by completing three impossible criminal tasks.
The Galaxy Trio respond to a phony distress call from the planet Titanorus, where a scrawny scientist has succeeded in transforming himself into Titan, the Titanium Man.
The Constrictor steals the missile defense location plans for all the free nations, and offers to exchange the plans, for Avenger, Birdman's eagle companion.
As Birdman is about to receive a medal from Central City, Birdgirl reveals herself, when she saves everyone at the ceremony. She destroys Birdman's reputation among the city leaders, claiming Birdman has taken credit for her achievements.
The Galaxy Trio encounters an out-of-control spaceship. We they capture it, they find a man fleeing from the mines where he is forced to work as a slave.
Agents of F.E.A.R. have kidnapped three ambassadors from the Conference of Peaceful Nations Building, in a bid to frighten world leaders away from cooperation there.
The Galaxy Trio receive a call for assistance from the peaceful citizens of Aqueous, who are under attack from a monster who can breathe lightning and project powerful heat rays from his arms.
Jesse Johns, descendant of the infamous Jesse James, is getting help from a mad scientist. Doctor Cordo has given the outlaw special gear: robotic horses, lasers, and paralyzer beams. They're making fools of law and order!