Has there ever been a happier father than Billy Connolly? Billy chats in his Florida home, divulging why pierced nipples are a must have accessory for any parent.
Ever wondered what it would be like to have Billy Connolly as a neighbour? Billy reveals all including why you should never buy a house with mattresses in the garden.
After 50 years of touring, Billy rummages through trinkets and memories as he ruminates about dream locations, nightmare family holidays and offers travel tips for your private bits!
Being made into an iconic children's toy, bad opera, portraits made of toast and swearing as an art form! Billy explains that when it comes to culture, for him, anything goes!
Frank Sinatra once barked at Billy Connolly, and he once appeared as a murderer in one of TV's greatest cop shows. Fame has taken Billy to some weird and wonderful places!
Billy tackles heroes and villains, both public and personal, from the Swiss and their expletive-inducing 'neutrality' to memories of his sister looking out for him.
Billy ponders the best approach to growing old disgracefully, and discusses health scares, Parkinson's, colonoscopies and doctors' enquiries regarding his testicles with gusto.