Nishiura's third game against Kounan starts. Bijou's coaches observe the game, and deduce that the catcher is deciding all of the pitches, and that Nishiura's pitcher has perfect control. Nishiura wins 6-3. Mihashi is approached by Abe's father, who asks him if he is scared of Abe. Mihashi says yes. Mihashi returns home, where his father is waiting. At home, Abe is questioned by his father about his relationship with Mihashi. Shimizu, a female reporter, finally gets the clear to cover Nishiura. Nishiura is about to start their next game with Bijoudai-Sayama.
이기면 16강에 들어가는 코난 고교와 4번째 시합이 시작되었다. 니시우라의 스탠드는 치어리딩을 포함한 응원으로 열기가 뜨거운 반면 코난 고교의 스탠드에 조금 전 시합을 마친 비조다이사야마고교의 감독과 코치가 모습을 드러내는데...