"The Handyman" - Chad, a young carpenter, is married to a wealthy older, Victoria Beau. Chad is cheating on her with young Andrea and when Victoria arrives home early and catches the lovers in bed, Andrea shots Victoria. The wealthy Mrs. Beau vows on her deathbed that Chad will never get the money or leave the apartment. The young couple tries hiding the body in a fake wall, however the tools exact revenge on the couple "Anatole" - An old man, Anatole, is put in a cell with William Pope, a murderer. After lights out, Pope recounts his murdering of a college student named Alan, but Anatole gets angry and strangles Pope. The next morning, Anatole is missing and Pope is dead with a picture of Alan and Anatole (Alan’s father) in Pope’s hand. The detective traces Anatole to Phoenix, where he discovers Anatole catatonic and confined to a wheelchair for the previous six months. "Makeup Magic" - June, a plain-jane, steps up to protect the beautiful Clarence from a pushy guy. Clarence pays her back by doing June’s makeup turning her attractive. June learns the next day that she didn’t have much makeup on and her new look stayed. After several days of looking for Clarence to thank her, June finally find her and discovers Clarence was horrifically burned 2 years ago, but June only sees her as a friend. "Screwdriver" - Lauren is leaving for college but has one serious fault: he is extremely forgetful. One cold winter night, Lauren is returning from a party and his car breaks down. And once again his absent mindlessness has caused him to be without his tools and his jacket. As the weather worsens, Lauren awakes to see a man that looks like his father fixing the car. When he calls his parents, he discovers his father is at home. However, after hanging up the parents find grease and a screwdriver in the bed. "Charlie" - Arty Holdman has been having a lousy year and is hoping his luck will improve with returning to his favorite restaurant. So far he has lost his wife an